With the recent merger of the VLSI division and Broadcom -- Broadcom will not recognize the seniority of the engineers. It's like a firing (not layoff) and rehiring in Broadcom
What that means is . The engineers with 20-25 years in Seagate who were waiting to get laid off and get the 2 week per year package .. they are totally sc***. Their tenure starts from 0
Thank you seagate for taking care of your loyal old employees
24 replies (most recent on top)
Should early career engineers be worried about layoffs in the next few months at Broadcom?
Is there a list of those affected that will move over to Broadcom?
Seniority just a BS in Seagate
expect future changes to comp and benefits and you won't be so disappointed
at least now we now how the worldwide sales meeting is being funded
look on the vmware layoff site and you will see how broadcom operate.
Essentially, You are given a new contract with broadcom.
Very senior levels at vmware had there salaries lowered. You will be given RSUs.
Any perks such as wellness days, car allowance etc will be cut.
Managers are cut, its a very flat org. They will make layoffs!
will loose much more than seniority
Why was this VLSI group set up in the first place to establish these inefficiencies? Yeah, $600 million, plus about $35 million more savings from layoff packages for Seagate. Ongoing annual cost savings of another 35 mil per year assuming no price increases from Broadcom. Seagate playing dirty! Ruthless stuff. Next up, they are going to sell everyone's office chairs for 20 mil. and give you a cardboard box to sit on.
If the typical "storage industry vetran" makes $150k that's $1.5M for every 10 new Broadcom employess that Seagate doesn't pay severnce to.
This is almost as lucrative as selling the land beneath their feet.
To add insult to injury Broadcom will probably make them come to the office and actually require them to work before they are let go.
Well played Seagate. Way to twist thknife.
What US site will take the biggest hit? LCO, SHK, both?
Broadcom is one of the worst company anyone can think of working. You are treated like a ****
My impression - correct me if I'm too far off - is that the vast majority of know-how to build these asics was at Broadcom - that Seagate employees mostly engaged in creating and managing specs and passing them to Broadcom, then minor testing of what came back before handing off to other teams that actually integrated the chips. Seems costly and inefficient to me - like yeah - there's going to be a rather brief brain drain then a layoff over at Broadcom - our Seagate guys won't stand a chance against Broadcom engineers with their skill sets.
Real leaders you mean mark Zuckerberg
We need some real leaders to come to Seagate. It surviving on old thinking methods. Need a major refresh. Everything they have bought has turned into a mess.
Look at storage array business players. Experts kicked out and old guard destroyed them.
“ We were fine with this. So now we are the Maxtor team and should be fine wit it as well.”
Surely you jest. The infighting and backstabbing between Maxtor management and Seagate old guard has never stopped. This is what happens when you keep 99% of the management and layoff half of everyone else in a merger / purchase - especially in an industry that isn’t growing.
Goodwill of $2 billion from Maxtor transaction was written down to zero within 2 years. An admission through accounting that Seagate both overpaid and that the purchase didn’t result in added value to the company.
When Maxtor was bought by Seagate: How did we feel about that Maxtor employees lost their job and people were selected based on coming from the Seagate or Maxtor team instead of building a team of the best among the two companies?
We were fine with this. So now we are the Maxtor team and should be fine wit it as well.
From when is this effective. Do people have to go to Broadcom office?
How many affected here? Ugh..
What other functions are left
Vlsi division
That was the biggest kn--e in the back of employees I’ve seen in a long time. Wow! Canceling all layoff payout and then having Broadcom lay them all off with 0 years of service shortly. Then email letter of congratulations of new career growth opportunity with Broadcom. Holy smokes! That was downright evil. The rest of the employees see how they might be treated. What will be the next function sold off?
won't be solely seniority as they could our assess comp against Broadcom comp ranges
this is going to be an ugly one folks
I agree. Never be complacent in trying out/interviewing outside.
I am sorry to say it will be a bloodbath