Thread regarding USAA layoffs

Horrible leader ECIO

The company has serious leadership problem. Amala the ECIO of the company is one of the most disrespectful leaders I have ever seen in my career. The worst thing is that, there is no coaching at all by Wayne or HR. What a shame of low quality tolerance. Hope someone mentors , it’s a train wreck for the employees

| 2534 views | | 22 replies (last September 27)
Post ID: @OP+1t1lUFG2

22 replies (most recent on top)

What a poor quality leader. She matches with as good the CEO (Wayne) is. Perfect match

Post ID: @1Hkgu+1t1lUFG2

These toxic leaders aren't falling to be great leaders. They are succeeding at being exactly the kind of leaders that Wayne and his puppetmasters want in charge of the company.

Post ID: @Fvas+1t1lUFG2

Wait - you think coaching by Wayne might actually... help?

Post ID: @Fdij+1t1lUFG2

Can someone investigate her on harassment? I think she needs to be fired else this should be investigated by external agencies. For 2+ years she has been here, she is creating a toxic culture

Post ID: @Fjgu+1t1lUFG2

What a low quality leader…it’s a shame.

Post ID: @Fwzr+1t1lUFG2

She is a trash. A bully who has no idea of what inspiring leadership means. Disgraceful and disrespectful

Post ID: @bhtq+1t1lUFG2

Amala’s HRBP is in her pocket and does her bidding. Least engaged person, ever!!!! At least try to wrangle the extreme nonsense, HR!!!

Post ID: @aitl+1t1lUFG2

Not just the bullying that she does, she is not even a good strategic technologist. This company has not seen what good looks like outside. She is a good fit to be a PM or architect, but not a leader. A leader inspires the team, not bully or threaten or keep talking about performance and keep cursing one’s own team as poor quality. She should be sent out. She is a trash

Post ID: @8bsc+1t1lUFG2

Why is this tolerable? Disrespect is not a culture builder or people enabler, is that a lot to analyze about? Or is it not visible to everyone, which is just not possible…she is evident everyday.

Post ID: @5ofo+1t1lUFG2

Amala is a culture disaster for this company in long run. We talk about Respect as key pillar of culture and she is the most disrespectful, low intelligence creature walking and sh-----g all over the place. If you guys have not seen a headless chicken, please come witness her. A leader is someone who can be calm, reasonable, respectful and trusts or promotes the team. She is exactly opposite. Someone needs to coach or fire here ASAP

Post ID: @5cke+1t1lUFG2

Is there a better chance for me to win the lottery than Charlie shaving his mustache?

Post ID: @4oqq+1t1lUFG2

Not sure what to make of Charlie. As time has gone on, the more soul su-kage/drainage you can see. I don't think there's much soul left. If Amala asks him to write PIP's for all of IT, he'll be foaming at the mouth to do it, with barely a twitch of that mustache. I would not consider him an ally, be very careful of what you post in the memes-n-shiite channel.

Post ID: @4bsj+1t1lUFG2

Dieversity becomes nepotism, becomes even more dieversity and so on.

Post ID: @3pxz+1t1lUFG2

Its quite unfortunate that Board doesn't read this forum's

Post ID: @3gfh+1t1lUFG2

Don’t forget that little a-s kisser Charlie, with that stupid mustache when he sneezes it scratches the inside of her a-s.

Post ID: @1qge+1t1lUFG2

She does have her minions as well, so let's be careful who we are complaining to.
It may be that one specific Information Security Manager/Director that is trying so hard to move up. You know who you are. You pretend to have your employee's back, but you are looking out for what's in your best interest.

Post ID: @vao+1t1lUFG2

Amala has established a culture of fear and perfection in her ranks. If you aren't picture perfect at your job, you'll likely be PIP'ed. These folks are positively PIP crazy. I know of one highly talented and intelligent colleague who was put on a PIP by one of my peers out of the blue with very little coaching or continuous feedback from that supervisor. Simply a ridiculous setup, and more likely than not the result will be to lose someone with immense talent and adversely affect the morale on the team. Fortunately, this person certainly has other options and is exercising them. There are certainly others in ECIO that have been getting PIPs with no tangible feedback, setting people up to get whisked out the door. We recently lost another ECIO leader not long ago because of a PIP, despite the earnest work they put in to hit the bar. Frankly, Amala is the one that should be on a PIP. A very sad state of affairs here and not worth staying if you have the opportunity to get out.

Post ID: @rmf+1t1lUFG2

She was brought in to cut out the former ECIO culture and cut cost by 40%. Its obvious what she has been tasked with and how they have gone about it. If you a Sr. position or above or over 40 / worked at USAA more than 7 years..your on a list. She has let leaders that actually could have moved us in the right direction go and put in leaders that wont challenge her leadership or ideas. This place is depressing to walk into and see friends a coworkers under this regime.

Post ID: @khh+1t1lUFG2

Someone has made her believe that she is the ONLY one who knows what is good and how is it done, and she takes that conviction to insult everyone. The quality of her leadership is really bad. I think she was more a project manager and was good fit to grow in that specialization. Sometimes you look at people like these and think, where is the human quality and maturity at all.

Post ID: @dqz+1t1lUFG2

To the person who mentioned she doesn’t have any products I caught that too but then quickly realized she meant in her role she is not a product owner like in PnC for example. Either way though you’re right she will be long gone before you can say Hey Siri what time is it in New Delhi

Post ID: @pjn+1t1lUFG2

And openly admitted she does not even have any USAA products. Just another overpaid exec that will move on after 3 years to the next gig.

Post ID: @zbv+1t1lUFG2

It’s a serious issue and everyone sees it, but no one has fixed it. What the company does not realize is that it’s ki-ling the development of the employees because of such a rude and aggressive behavior she has. She needs to be fired

Post ID: @cnm+1t1lUFG2

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