Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

When is the next round of layoffs?

So tired of working with lame management. This is the zombie that keeps on kicking. Hoping to get a package. Any idea when the next round of layoffs are? The slow suffocation of a dying company is slowly ki-ling me.

| 634 views | | 4 replies (last July 29)
Post ID: @OP+1tE2Gjja

4 replies (most recent on top)

It is "rotated" to layoff silently in each department, there are way more people to let go, it is dying. There is no tomorrow for DTV, don't you see what is the daily work for an employee in DTV ... kissing a-s .... the customer service VP is the worst without any integrity, even not qualified for being a human.

Post ID: @6iud+1tE2Gjja

I can only control so much so I don't worry about things I can't control. I just keep on cashing my checks.

Post ID: @2wew+1tE2Gjja

I feel your pain. I work in Traffic Ad Ops and it’s definitely a painful place to be at the moment. No growth, no direction, low morale, clueless management. A paycheck is all that’s left. Everyone seems to be riding this out as we await that severance package. Hopefully the end is near.

Post ID: @2gwe+1tE2Gjja

I don't think they can lay off any more people where I am (DTV Stream). We're already working with a skeleton crew. People are leaving on their own and not being replaced.

Post ID: @1mtv+1tE2Gjja

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