Hey, we have been told at Springtown, Derry the MS's are getting £400 and I'm just wondering what our American Colleagues are receiving as their 'thank you'. I am asking in particular about MSs. Think we have been shafted AGAIN.
32 replies (most recent on top)
The boomer comment makes no sense, but cool.. whatever...Maybe the longevity in storage was due to my rugged chiseled good looks...or a combo of hard work, not being a di-k, and some luck along the way...Original intent of my first post was.. hey decent qtr, couple of bucks we didn't expect...why hate on Stx for that...No company is perfect man...Love it or leave it...We all know the grasss ain't always greener....Have a great Monday!
@4hgw+1tFLUAo4. tell us you're a boomer without telling us you're a boomer 👏
"I didn't put words in your mouth and I'll stand behind my post...Ive been in storage for over 40 years"
Applaud you made it through the consolidation years, which speaks to either your skill set or your network.
Mentally ill, lying those are qualifications to stand out in hi ring
Lots of mentally ill working at Seagate.
@4hgw+1tFLUAo4 What you told is exactly true and makes sense. Only thing that’s wrong is when people think Seagate is like a Microsoft or some FAANG and act like such. That’s what irks people .
I didn't put words in your mouth and I'll stand behind my post...Ive been in storage for over 40 years, so I'm not young...or entitled which you seem to be...If you cr-p on Seagate, and don't seem to understand how an actual biz works. Ill call you out. Like it or not, its the shareholders and the dividend (hint...makes the stock more attractive) that keeps the lights on..how is that not so simple to see?..I love my job and Seagate has been very good to me and my family for a bunch of years....Dont like it, leave...or yell at the clouds and ramble on about how they owe this or that..what they owe you is a paycheck for services rendered...anything else is a bonus..end of the day .its just a job.
Big ‘D’ is THE Durian fruit !
You really shouldn't put words on other peoples mouths. I don't age discriminate like you do or call any professionals at work kids or gramps. I've also never accused anyone of being lazy. It's all coming from your mind only. In fact I've never heard any older Seagate person every speak like that about any young engineers in my entire time with the company. I don't know if you have Dad issues or something? And BTW, I'm not old as you assume dude. I do not have gray hair, I'm not bald, and I'm not a grandpa. You speak in a very disrespectful way with no gratitude about older employees who've helped build the company you work at and yet are mad people are not on their needs thanking the executive team for any little handout after they used employees personal income as a piggy bank. Thanks, I actually agree I would run the company better in a moral and responsible manor.
Those lazy young kids don't know anything for Pete's sake, says every old guy with an inflated self worth, who somehow, while yelling at the clouds, thinks his company owes him more than a paycheck. Its a business gramps, ya know with shareholders and other super complicated stuff. I'm sure if you were running Stx, it would be a mistake free well oiled innovation machine raining never ending $ down on the employees. That would awesome..Again, why not be thankful you got an unexpected $..simple chit..
Can't quit. Kids don't know a damn thing about recording.
Who tosses out for "Pete's sake"? My grandmother thats who...Time to retire
Core Team Leaders and Sr Managers at LCO getting award of 50k/40k
"Why not be happy for an unexpected bonus of any size? "
Where were you when they cut our pay but not the dividend?! What is your earning power today compared to three years ago after your pay was cut and raises frozen right during the inflation bubble?
I bet they had to beg the activist shareholders to even give us this token bonus.
I love that I'm the one complaining that employees are getting skrewed royally by Seagate on their behalf on this board while I'm actually one of the wealthy individuals getting paid dividends and reaping stock gains that I did nothing to earn. Meanwhile, some of these same employees getting skrewed post complaints about me being ungrateful about a couple thousand payout while I'm collecting all the wealth they generate on the back end just for owning shares. Oh, the irony is delightful! Yeah, I still work too. I'd like another million or 2 before I'm done here. I'm called the miserable one. For Pete's sake! LOL!
MS 300 usd64
Support 500 usd107
P1 950 usd 204
P2 950
P3 1700 usd365
P4 1700
P5 2700 usd580
M1 950
M2 1700
M3 1700
M4 2700
Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 1 = usd4.66 ( today rate )
upgrade the T-shirt to a collared polo shirt 😁
HR please reduce future awards to a $25 Spark gift card and raises to only 1% this year. It turns out these employees will be grateful for any size reward and keep chugging out work happily for us!
hey I forgot to mention I’m gonna need you to start working 50 to 60 hours a week so I can collect all the dividends from your effort while I laugh at how grateful you are for a couple thousand
"Why not be happy for an unexpected bonus of any size?"
You are completely clueless that you have lost 25-50% of your salary to inflation in the last 3 years aren't you.
"Stay miserable, if it works for you.."
Since I'm already a millionaire I will leave that to you to happily struggle along as you get poorer and watch the executives and investment bankers enjoy the fruits of your effort.
Why not be happy for an unexpected bonus of any size? Ge-z people! Stx has a nice qtr and throws a few bucks our way. Made my day, but we're all different I guess. Stay miserable, if it works for you..
I want my new Seagate shirt.
no cash
USA special thank you payment
MS - $700
Support - $850
P1/P2/M1 - $1250
P3/P4/M3/M3 - $1800
P5/M4 - $2800
Crowdstrike issuing $10 "apology gift" for the billions in damage they caused by not having robust testing.
Boeing tettering on the abyss, quality and process driven to ruin by shareholders.
US corporations are racing to the bottom with their focus on shareholder return and dumping on their employees.
It appears there is a feeling of guilt for mistreating employees and giving away all their bonus and raises to wealthy investment bankers. Along with the pay cut money that they didn't really need to steal after all. It should all be returned in full and this doesn't cut it. I'm sure we are supposed to be grateful for a small payment and forgive having our pay stolen and transferred to Wall Street for no justification.
SSDC should have Durian fruit party very soon
second the pizza party haha
shareholders $585M while employees to receive a mere pittance as a thank you
As heavy D shared in his Q4 Earnings message, we are pleased to announce Appreciation Cash Awards to recognize your contributions to the beginnings of our financial recovery.
This award value is a fixed amount based on your country and your job level starting with real workers at the bottom obviously. Please see below for award amounts per job level in Northern Ireland. The Appreciation Cash Award will be included on your 13 September paycheck and it will appear as Appreciation Award.
MS £400
P1 £600
P2 £600
P3 £800
P4 £800
P5 £1400
M1 £600
M2 £800
M3 £800
M4 £1400
Will probably get insult again after the announcement of my focal after the grand prix.
I get RM950, or USD203.32, from the lowest average paid wage try among our org.
My job ? Handle entire groups apps, code , debug, migrated, teach senior how to work. 😂
Let see how the increase this year.
Wouldnt surprise me to see pizza party as part of the healing journey.
All MS, P level, and M level are getting a "cash appreciation gift" in August in the US. No idea how much it is yet but should vary by title. Directors and above won't get anything