Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

DTV marketing

Really not understanding the strategy. Called in to get an advertised lower priced package which was comparable to Utube in most regards. Basically told that price was for new customers only. I switched. Guess there are some factors I don’t see but it’s almost like they don’t want to keep current customers.

| 622 views | | 3 replies (last September 8)
Post ID: @OP+1tJCojEO

3 replies (most recent on top)

I have been reaching out to all of my family, friends and relatives to let them know that there are other options out there. These options offer a much wider range of options and are a heck of a lot cheaper than what they are currently getting with the Deathstar’s version of pay TV. So far most have dropped the ATT version and switched over now that they have access to the new fiber internet that has come to their area.

Post ID: @Gnss+1tJCojEO

Fully baked, there are some packages that are losing money so cheaper to lose you. There have been so many price increases, not sure about now but inflation, etc hasn't abated.

This is an unnecessary product and can be sourced from soooooo many other places with much more customization. It's only customers that are "loose" with their money or don't know any better because they've had the services forever. There is sooo much you can do with this monthly expense (like have a life).

Post ID: @1qod+1tJCojEO

It is difficult to strategize a dying company.

Post ID: @mvl+1tJCojEO

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