Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

TPG and ATT win Team Olympic Gold for plowing this company and our careers into the ground

These Execs are only concerned with lining their pockets as this company is clearly in its death spiral. Every month feels like an episode of Directv's "Squid Game"!! Who stays and who's thrown off the cliff? I had to surplus 50 of my subordinates in Texas over the past 6 years and now Im known as "Cyn Reaper"

We all see the red flags of this dying company. Unfortunately our two dirty birdy pigeon reps won't be able to save us either. Hopefully they offer a voluntary severance package soon so we can cash in for our years of dedicated service.

My laptop was a recent victim of
BSD and now my CAREER also awaits the inevitable Blue Screen of Death :(

| 2321 views | | 42 replies (last September 10)
Post ID: @OP+1tLGMLrg

42 replies (most recent on top)

There are some companies that deserve a merciful death in place of existing in a zombie-like trance. Thanks to AT&T, DirecTV are among them.

Post ID: @Jslv+1tLGMLrg

Girl aint that the truth but its not just Execs. We have toxic leadership across ALL LEVELS of management and that includes you! We all know full well of managements arrogant narcissistic behavior, bullying, favoritism, intimidation, belittling, gaslighting, etc that we deal with daily! And girl lets not get into your TV- MA "dirty birdy" marital affair that someone already mentioned in a post below.

Management only rates us on one thing: 1) Are you a mindless sycophant? You shall be rewarded if so!
Performance, productivity, dedication, work ethic, integrity is meaningless here! Employee morale is low everywhere you look. Its time to jump ship if I make it past the next round of layoffs. No way am I waiting another year for a severance.

And please spare us from playing the victim card here when you're part of the problem (smh)

Post ID: @Gddc+1tLGMLrg

I was caught up in the 10% manager layoff in Jan 2023. Over 15 years with Directv, 7 of those under the boot heel of ATT. I was lucky enough to get a good severance. Less than 3 weeks later I got another job and in less than a year I was making more $$$ than I was at DTV/ATT. The icing on the cake though is that what I am doing today is having a huge impact on damaging the DTV/ATT bottom line. Bringing fast, reliable 100% fiber internet to rural America. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working for Directv before the Deathstar got their hands on us. However we all knew then that DTV was in a decline without a pipeline to stream our content. We all knew that the high point of 22 million subscribers was just that…our peak. That is also why ATT bought Direct. Not for our content, not for our sports packages and certainly not for our great team of hard working employees. They bought it for access to the 22 million subscribers that “WE at Directv” had built in order to try and bundle their weak a$$ products to them. Along the way ATT started replacing Directv upper leadership with mediocre ATT upper management. Next was the “head count rationalization” process across all departments. Once the employee levels were cut deeply, ATT then started to allow their hand picked mediocre managers to start retiring from ATT but be hired under the new DTV deal in partnership with TPG. Yes, double dipping at it’s best. This was done as a reward for being the good Na-is that they were and pushing out the Deathstar propaganda. My message is simple. Update your resume with all that you have accomplished. Start getting your name out there. Start interviewing with companies that are involved in what our country needs and will benefit your family. Trust me you are all better than anything ATT says and you will be better off once you get out from under their boot heel.

Post ID: @Eyfw+1tLGMLrg

There have been clear discriminations on age, gender and colors in DTV, it has never been performance based, they let the good performers out only because all these mo ... r ... ons don't like their intelligence.

Post ID: @Bkmo+1tLGMLrg

DTV is f ... king disgusting and all directors, senior directors and VP are mo--ns, they always pretend to know something.

Post ID: @Belt+1tLGMLrg

lol... DTV is so fu---d. In our last all-hands, the C-levels and directors were saying how well everything was going and it's so funny we all know it's bullsh-t.

If you check social media, there is a big campaign to blame Disney instead of DTV like Disney is not allowed to set the price of their own content. Just because DTV can't afford it, doesn't mean no one else can.

It's the end of the road for us. Don't forget to collect that once-only $20 refund before canceling.

Post ID: @Aevh+1tLGMLrg

Puuhleeze, the only reason you have your job AND position is because of your marital affair with your awkward boss. You can’t feel guilty now after a decades long affair with that emaciated creep. Knock it off with your mockery. How dare you!

Post ID: @Ajzy+1tLGMLrg

Not sure why the comment "x-x martial relationship with awkward boss ..." was removed, indeed it has been something truly existing in the toxic DTV, and it tells work and performance are nothing while the only thing you should do is kissing your managers' but

Post ID: @zvoi+1tLGMLrg

Its quite amusing our leadership feels they have any leverage to get Disney to fold. We have a laughable 20+ subscribers and we still use coax cables lol lol

Post ID: @zljz+1tLGMLrg

Whisk-y! Tango! Foxtrot! Disney just pulled the cord from this Grandpa platform we work for. This is insane. God please get me out of this company.

Post ID: @ynia+1tLGMLrg

Losing ESPN would further put us into a freefall. Does our pathetic brand or abysmal number of subscribers even matter to Disney? This company is a sh1thole plain and simple.

Post ID: @xsgq+1tLGMLrg

Replacing Bill and his team is akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. DTV is going down the tubes no matter who runs the company.

Post ID: @rfpc+1tLGMLrg

Bill and his leadership team are not demonstrating effective leadership qualities and should be replaced.

Post ID: @qvzj+1tLGMLrg

To pour some salt on all employee wounds... while the executive team (Bill and his entire leadership) continues to cut costs and lay off hard working employees. This same executive team literally gets bonuses of million+ dollars annually to hit some of these silly revenue and cost reduction plans. No joke, they are making million plus annual bonuses while everyone else is getting sc--wed. Thanks leaders for continuing to sink this formerly great company while lining up your own pockets.

Post ID: @ovrl+1tLGMLrg

Wish I saw this thread earlier, came here to see how many were impacted. Got hit with walking papers this week. I wont say my dept or region due to privacy but yup, thats all folks :(
Thanks Ms Collins for making a mockery of this

Post ID: @oghr+1tLGMLrg

The latest: A few layoffs occurring this week and more throughout the next few months. DTV wants to avoid the negative headlines unlike Paramount, Warner Discovery, etc. My sources say about 150+ will be silently let go. They are prepping for a sale or new partner

Post ID: @meyr+1tLGMLrg

Imao at Cyn the Texas Reaper

DTV has boomer shows nobody watches. No self-respecting sports fan subjects themselves to ESPN trash. Everyone under 50 is sick of the same trash reruns. All these networks are laying off like crazy too. Paramount being the recent.
DTV has sc--wed up so badly there's no way they're going to get their audience back, let alone attract new subs. Sorry TX Reaper but you’re going to have to keep reaping lol

Post ID: @likl+1tLGMLrg

This place is intolerable. They’re looking for reasons to fire people so they don’t have to pay severance out. A few people I know have already quit. Micromanaging us twice as much as they did before. Something is shady with all of this!

Post ID: @hnxe+1tLGMLrg

Cyn please, if you think youre a power hungry evil-doer, born of a jackal, our company has nothing on you. These execs will host a company party, give us a hoorah hoorah speech and weeks later hit us with a surplus. Evil! Save them nickels and dimes kids. We work for wolves in sheep’s clothing haha

Post ID: @fnhv+1tLGMLrg

Something is a brewin’ and it aint just Cyn’s Frog Leg Stew of layoffs. Got word from insiders that layoffs are coming down BUT it will be done quietly and surgically as some have posted already. Here one day, gone the next. And the ATT selloff is near as well. Time is a tickin

Post ID: @dipo+1tLGMLrg “..
AT&T Inc. has begun to explore options for its 70% stake in DirecTV as it approaches the end of an agreement under which it can legally sell its interest in America’s third-largest pay-TV provider.

Among AT&T’s options are: a dividend recapitalization, adding a new investor, or selling the stake and exiting the venture as early as August 2024…”

Post ID: @cifb+1tLGMLrg

Great posts and informative. I agree with everyone here. We must accept our end soon. I too am ready to meet the cyn reaper, grim reaper, headless horseman, anabelle, or whoever. Just give me my fat severance

Post ID: @agvf+1tLGMLrg

Very true Cyn, This place is a he-l hole; most employees simply go through the motions without putting in real effort. Even management seems to follow suit, just coasting along until the company meets its demise, milking it for all it's worth along the way. I had multiple interviews already and getting close to closing this terrible chapter in life. Bless you Child

Post ID: @9jbw+1tLGMLrg

I've worked here since the original DTV days, through AT&T and now on Stream. We've been in maintenance mode for awhile. We will redo the UI to make it seem like there are new features being added, but it's just a facade.

I've been interviewing and preparing to leave soon. A few others I've spoken to are doing the same as we're expecting more layoffs soon per some talk from trusted sources. I recommend everyone else do the same.

Post ID: @7dnp+1tLGMLrg

Get out while you can Collins…
This is a sinking ship, on top of the operational expenses being cut, the business is a failure. Quarter after quarter there is an increase in the loss of subscribers, increases in fraud and churn, and an increase in the failed marketing spend. Update them resumes yall

Post ID: @7idr+1tLGMLrg

AT&T sales offices told today to no longer market Direct TV products. Like a bad divorce that just lingers.

Meanwhile the execs continue to reap the big bucks AND somehow "lend their expertise" while getting additional compensation being board members.

Such a joke. NO DirecTV executives should give any advice on how to run a business! Only how to appear to look busy, keep people busy, and investing in a circle of WASP-y peers to watch your back.

Post ID: @7oex+1tLGMLrg

DirecTV is fully stacked with a55kissers, almost all management level is incompetent, especially the director level as well as senior director level, AVP/VP/SVP. Most of them don't know the basic concept of their business responsibility

Post ID: @6vuv+1tLGMLrg

Cyn Reaper, you are a mouth breather and Cyn-ister hahaha

Hey, Im only here to cash them paychecks while doing bare minimum. Anyone going above and beyond for this place needs their head examined

Post ID: @6snb+1tLGMLrg

It is "rotated" to layoff silently in each department, there are way more people to let go, it is dying. There is no tomorrow for DTV, don't you see what is the daily work for an employee in DTV ... kissing a-s .... the customer service VP is the worst without any integrity, even not qualified for being a human.

Post ID: @6fqq+1tLGMLrg

Field tech layoffs. I was laid off yesterday along with a counterpart. Over 10 let go in the midwest region the past week. Good luck to the rest of you

Post ID: @4ujt+1tLGMLrg

OMG! I echo other posts: 50 subordinates? Your team got a full service Collin-oscopy by the Texas Reaper

Post ID: @4yuf+1tLGMLrg

If TPG breaks even they will be happy.
All that is left of DTV is engineering, technical support groups that are fossils waiting to be given a way out with dignity and a severance. The odds of that are diminishing rapidly.

Post ID: @4ffd+1tLGMLrg

Im with u Cyn Reaper, But Damnn, I know Texas is known for their sla-ghterhouses but 50 is cruel and unusual punishment to your dept. How do you sleep at night?. You gotta be a mouth breather to handle such destruction to humanity lol

Post ID: @3btn+1tLGMLrg

I work in Finance and we got it bad too. We had a team of 15 and we’re down to 6. I think we’ll be outsourced soon to a private firm. Bad days are ahead

Post ID: @2vpn+1tLGMLrg

Folks, If your nose aint brown yet you better get to work. The other shoe is about to drop by EOY. Brown the nose or get the hose

Post ID: @2vzm+1tLGMLrg

LOL, love the timely references.

Kids it's not about what you know, it's who you know. These execs making high 6, 7 figures for just riding the wave down, collecting paychecks every month. No previous knowledge needed or accountability to turning around the ship.

They bringing their whole crew with them for the multi-year payouts before they return to the T Death Star. If you kiss bootay, you can stay. If not, you get the boot.

Post ID: @2drn+1tLGMLrg

Don't imagine you will get a decent severance package ... it didn't happen with the the past layoffs, plus the job market is way worse than anyone can think, don't image you will get a job in 6 months, there are almost zero competence for many DTV employees, good luck 👍

Post ID: @2pmo+1tLGMLrg

Those dtv birds may take a sh*t on us soon but much like you I only want that severance. I am ready to meet the cyn reaper, grim reaper, headless horseman, anabelle, or whoever. Give me my fat severance

Post ID: @2thf+1tLGMLrg

I work in streaming and we are down to a skeleton crew. Them dirty birdies only giving this company the bird flu

Post ID: @1lvw+1tLGMLrg

Thanks for sharing your story. You are the bearer of bad news thats for sure Ms Reaper. Even the Angel of Death would run from you (lol). All I can say is don’t purchase that shiny new car just yet! Aug 1 is when ATT is officially able to sell off its remaining DTV Stock

Post ID: @myn+1tLGMLrg

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