Good sources say that next month there will be another full moon.
15 replies (most recent on top)
Very good sources say September’s gonna blow
as the sun rises and sets, so too will future layoffs
@3xym+1tRVfPVU "amazing" .....must be in the wrong company forum
No layoffs anymore as per LCO knowledge. Lot of openings coming soon..
Please don’t spread false news about this amazing company
Probably in first two weeks of September
LCO Core Team Lead can prevent layoffs?
there's on the horizon, how's your vision
Hey mellow out man! Mellow...mellow....
“ Why 2025-2026?”
The stock market just gave you a warning why. The unemployment rate is spiking UP now. The drive orders will take a couple quarters to be impacted due to lag effects. Chips went first last time too. The recession is starting and so is WAR. Buckle up. I don’t exactly know how war will impact drives at this point. Probably won’t be positive. It’s starting like mere days or weeks from now. WAKE UP!
cyclicality of this industry
Why 2025-2026?
2025-2026. You’ve got about 9 months
Magic 8 Ball came up with, "Most Likely", when I asked it about layoffs this month.
I'm asking about this month specifically.