Thread regarding Illumina Inc. layoffs

Toxic work environment

Illumina is the place to be if you prefer:

  1. to always worry about getting laid off
  2. to see people get laid off while management increases the workload for people who don’t get laid off
  3. that management yells at you for not keeping up with the extra workload because your colleagues got laid off
| 2729 views | | 13 replies (last October 26)
Post ID: @OP+1tUFCIyA

13 replies (most recent on top)

I believe, moving the supply chain to India is a good idea. The lack of labor laws in India means workers can be expected to work excessive hours. We have a Finance System Support Senior Director and Director, which seems excessive to manage an application. This is unacceptable. In a typical IT org., a Senior Manager or A-s. Director would typically meet these business expectations. It's a wasteful use of investors money.

Post ID: @1hubq+1tUFCIyA

They are moving supply chain jobs to India slowly. The first planner has been onboarded in India. How can they interact with team and contribute to daily meetings if they are 12 hrs difference from San Diego. What a joke! Run don’t walk away from Illumina jobs!

Post ID: @1egko+1tUFCIyA

But why those greed fatty middle layers are still there?

Post ID: @xuce+1tUFCIyA

Post ID: @phmb+1tUFCIyA

Agree... Fat is created and maintained !

Recent events in the finance department shows our company's talent management practices. A highly qualified associate director has felt compelled to seek external opportunities for career progression, while another associate director, lacking the requisite managerial experience and aptitude, has been promoted to director. These developments suggest a disconnect between demonstrated performance, career advancement, and fair practices!

Post ID: @kfdl+1tUFCIyA

Fat remains as buffer.

Post ID: @gyvo+1tUFCIyA

any of the redundant directors cut in the last RIF?

Post ID: @fnjy+1tUFCIyA

During the investor strategy update they mentioned 200M more cuts and a 1.5B stock repurchase plan over 2025-2027 so I wouldn't expect things to get better for a while.

Post ID: @dcti+1tUFCIyA

Also it leads to flaws in the products people do what they need not to get fired.

Post ID: @8sqa+1tUFCIyA

sales had trainings last year for basics bc reps complained they couldn’t do their job without their specialists. shouldn’t have to retrain reps on how sbs works. sales needs to remove dead weight. will they? doubt it.

Post ID: @6vxn+1tUFCIyA

If the list is prioritized correctly, Finance Support Department should be at the top. The department's current state indicates a highly toxic work environment. Past employee reviews, such as a LinkedIn post, highlight outdated management practices, excessive politics, and micromanagement. The team's focus appears to be internally oriented rather than aligned with broader company goals. Given the significant resource allocation to this department, a comprehensive review is warranted. Additionally, there are instances of unprofessional behavior. A re-org is needed for this team.

Post ID: @5ido+1tUFCIyA

They are moving a whole bunch of IT jobs to Bangalorre. New office opened there. More cuts in San Diego on the way.
Toxic work culture at it's finest!

Post ID: @1bpm+1tUFCIyA

So true

Post ID: @ekx+1tUFCIyA

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