Hi guys,
Anybody knows if there will be layoffs in the UK? Which centres? In my centre, nobody talks about it at all,
Hi guys,
Anybody knows if there will be layoffs in the UK? Which centres? In my centre, nobody talks about it at all,
Nothing so far at DPC
Top Engineering Director retired in April after over 20 yrs, he was 65/66!
Eng Mang left/pushed/let-go at same time, again 20 yrs in, no explanation from him or company!!!!
The Ship is rudderless at moment never know it this bad, I'm worried for the centre!!!
WEC is on fire...
Also, one of the guys told me the other day that there will be structural changes in management.
If my manager doesn't like me, does that mean I'm in danger?
Already happening. SDRM. first it was offers of early retirement, the center manager left overnight, loads of relocations then the usual cull in MFG began. No announcement this time tho, selected people taken away by managers and let go there and then.
only the beginning.