Got meeting invite on Monday from SVP. Does anyone know if it’s for layoff?
7 replies (most recent on top)
Not fake news.
The IDC wind down team is small, no end date confirmed. The IDC non-wind down team will be let go August 7th.
The US-based skeleton crew still left has not been told anything. It's assumed they are part of the wind down team... for now.
I can confirm its true. And for those of you with no idea, advertising business has been shut down. US team was done a couple of weeks ago. It was India this week and the UK to follow. Go read the news its all public
I tend to agree with you …. Someone would have posted.
I really doubt a SVP is doing layoff meetings, unless it is a mass meeting. If it was a mass meeting, I would imagine someone would have posted the outcome by now.
My hunch is fake news.
How about an update one way or the other?
Is it unusual for you to meet with a SVP? If yes, it is either a promotion (we can always dream) of a separation of ways.
Yep, you’re cooked.