Thread regarding Oracle Corp. layoffs

OA IDC layoff on Monday??

Got meeting invite on Monday from SVP. Does anyone know if it’s for layoff?

| 2480 views | | 7 replies (last July 10)
Post ID: @OP+1tohJfhT

7 replies (most recent on top)

Not fake news.

The IDC wind down team is small, no end date confirmed. The IDC non-wind down team will be let go August 7th.

The US-based skeleton crew still left has not been told anything. It's assumed they are part of the wind down team... for now.

Post ID: @3xsn+1tohJfhT

I can confirm its true. And for those of you with no idea, advertising business has been shut down. US team was done a couple of weeks ago. It was India this week and the UK to follow. Go read the news its all public

Post ID: @3yzp+1tohJfhT

I tend to agree with you …. Someone would have posted.

Post ID: @2ajb+1tohJfhT

I really doubt a SVP is doing layoff meetings, unless it is a mass meeting. If it was a mass meeting, I would imagine someone would have posted the outcome by now.
My hunch is fake news.

Post ID: @1apx+1tohJfhT

Is it unusual for you to meet with a SVP? If yes, it is either a promotion (we can always dream) of a separation of ways.

Post ID: @1kqb+1tohJfhT

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