How can we have integrity when you treat existing customers the way VZW treats them. The revenue reps make on an upgrade is 5 to 1 less than a "new line' so the reps try to manipulate the quota system to get more revenue by adding lines because the phone promos are better.The math works out(except for the 1st prorated bill) Reps have found many ways to walk existing customers because of existing metrics on the customers account also time constraints, why Stay with an upgrade csr for an hour while missed new lines walking in the door. Lastly, the quotas are high and arbitrary every month. So every month at least one rep gets a pip at the location. Also,the micromanaging will get you so angry how can you help a csr with that always hanging over your head.This will produce high turnover,thus is that the retail culture you're looking for? I don't think so.
@3tou+1tmZCxc1 is 100% right.