Any information on extent of RIF? Has it started in US too?
38 replies (most recent on top)
Last time it was a 15 min meeting scheduled with your supervisor and HR, are they doing it the same way this time?
"Which departments in AMEA" - It's commercial
Which departments in AMEA?
Looks like its already started in AMEA
This is about layoff. Have people started getting notices?
What has begun
It has begun
Tomorrow in commercial?
Heard tomorrow
Will it be final on Thursday or it will start from Thursday?
Maybe pilot and mfg who knows am just heard Thursday
Thursday for who?
I heard Thursday
Haven't heard of any layoffs so far.
Any idea on severence that is being provided?
Rumor has it that for a few people it has already happened. Most of the impacted ones will know about it end of this week/beginning of thr next one. Sales and marketing are the mainly impacted ones. No idea about how many people in total.
Happening this week
Is it happening in this week?
Job market is really bad. RIF is terrible for employees currently.
Will there be changes in operations and R&D as well, or limited to Commercial only?
Any credible infotmation here?
I’ll believe it when I see it after all the other tips on here have been wrong recently
Coming early next week. Commercial team only.
Any info on numbers?
WARN notices don't always come out before the RIF. If you look at the last Layoff in January, the notice date was 1/11, but but received date was 1/29.
I think reorg will be in August. Final strategy will be presented to the board on 07/30.
there weren’t any WARN notices the last time
Will there be major rif? There are no WARN notices it seems.
I think it should be settled by end of month for sure
Any updates to share?
Marketing and Sales? Is it associated with the reorg? Any idea on numbers?
Marketing and sales
Which group and how many?
In which group(s)? Any other details?
Boss said by 07/31
Nothing so far.
No news is good news :)