Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

Uptick on LinkedIn by Management

Anybody else notice an uptick in VPs+ activity on LinkedIn lately?

Seen a bunch of hogwash leadership giving each other accolades (also friends, and those that have taken care of each other). As I hear the young say CRINGE Women's equality? BIG HMMMMMMMMM, maybe for show. DirecTV has a track record of a certain breed with some female executives in acceptable positions. How diverse is the leadership really? I count 2/10 ethnic people on their leadership page, and nobody darker than a certain shade.

Also saw on my feed some bull about an intern "rising star". Underpaying and overworking the people newly entering the workforce.

And, another post on my LinkedIn feed. Why are they trying to recruit? The more they recruit, the more of the knowledgeable veterans will get laid off as proven since forever.

Sad when employees root for a company's failure!

| 451 views | | 4 replies (last September 24)
Post ID: @OP+1uAjT2KD

4 replies (most recent on top)

The dream team on top is actually a nightmare. Only in America can you get so far and stay on top because of the way things are.

Post ID: @5xwi+1uAjT2KD

Who cares... "equity" is racist and stupid anyway. It's all bullsh-t.

Post ID: @5rkn+1uAjT2KD


Post ID: @1opd+1uAjT2KD

Yep, even though TV/movies are woke, Corporate America remains the same after generations. It's slow to change because you have all these legacy people that stay in position for decades and hand over the reigns to someone they feel "comfortable" with.

I always say to look up to see how likely it is for you to progress. If you don't see many people that look like you on top, chances are unless your cards fall exactly right, not going to happen.

The D&I propaganda they shove down your throat!

Post ID: @1fjc+1uAjT2KD

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