Hold on here. TPG and Wild Bill approved to purchase a company that was already on its death bed? Do they really think the 10 remaining Dish customers want our Radio Shack Satellites on their rooftops at a premium price? What the he-l is he thinking. The guy lacks vision and a brain.
Heres a wise idea. How about we fix our Execs, our management, our employees, our brand, our service instead of throwing money at this trash?. As I mentioned previously, EVERY ONE of my subordinates is demoralized, broken, suffering from anxiety and mental health issues as these buffoons play footsies with these greedy investors. This is a classic example of the billionaire class stealing and putting profits over people.
I had to layoff over 60 FTE and Temps during my time here at DTV / AT&T. This isnt fair to me or my team!! I'll forever be known as Cyn the Reaper as they ALL fear my surplus wrath!