Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

TPG purchases Dish Network at the local Thrift Store

Hold on here. TPG and Wild Bill approved to purchase a company that was already on its death bed? Do they really think the 10 remaining Dish customers want our Radio Shack Satellites on their rooftops at a premium price? What the he-l is he thinking. The guy lacks vision and a brain.

Heres a wise idea. How about we fix our Execs, our management, our employees, our brand, our service instead of throwing money at this trash?. As I mentioned previously, EVERY ONE of my subordinates is demoralized, broken, suffering from anxiety and mental health issues as these buffoons play footsies with these greedy investors. This is a classic example of the billionaire class stealing and putting profits over people.

I had to layoff over 60 FTE and Temps during my time here at DTV / AT&T. This isnt fair to me or my team!! I'll forever be known as Cyn the Reaper as they ALL fear my surplus wrath!

| 793 views | | 6 replies (last October 17)
Post ID: @OP+1uPYZ6ic

6 replies (most recent on top)

Don’t you start again with Cyn. How dare you!! Your job wasn’t handed to you because of your knowledge, education, or social skills. All of which stink to high heaven. Believe me hun, all of us Texans know you slept your way to the top so knock it off!!! How dare you post this mockery full of lies and deceit!

Post ID: @dpag+1uPYZ6ic

Wow is all I can say. Sure wouldn't want to work in your organization. Reduction activities are necessary at times due to declining work volumes or customers. You should be lucky that it was only 60 I've been in org's where it's been far more than that every few quarters. If your employees are broken and demoralized some self reflection is needed on your part, you own the culture in your organization so honestly you must be a terrible leader. Sick of seeing your posts that lack accountability for your part in this. You are not a 1st line manager based on the number of employees you talk about. I would guess a Sr Director or above, which in that case you should have some clue how things work. No sympathy for you here, do something to lift your remaining employees up.

Post ID: @5kdn+1uPYZ6ic

Wonder if anyone on high realizes that we are existing solely to serve legacy customers with an average age of 77 years.

We joke about when was the last time you installed Service for somebody who wasn't a retiree. It's been years.

Talk to people under 60 and they will tell you Directv is something their Grandparents still use. This does not excite advertisers or investors.

I often wonder how many of our customer losses are due to them literally dying off. How we expect to evolve back into a growth company is a mystery given we are lumped into the "what ever happened to x-x" category by the general public.

Post ID: @2raa+1uPYZ6ic

Cyn Reaper, you are Cyn-ister and a true mouth breather lol 60 layoffs?? Thats a bloodbath! I’d keep far from you as possible thats for sure lol Hey Im only here to cash them paychecks while doing bare minimum. Anyone going above and beyond for this place needs their head examined.

Post ID: @1oow+1uPYZ6ic

How long will it take to lose 60% of subscribers? Took about 8 yrs for dtv.
And it's a 2nd to 3rd new generation entering the workforce. My kids don't even turn on our cable or hbo max even though it is free to them. They use their phones, nflx, amzn, youtube, insta for entertainment needs...again, all free/paid by us. With subs currently facing inflation, retiring/retired on fixed income...choosing food or cable is an easy choice to me. The retired generations had internet or rabbit ears so can adapt. Once local channels are retransmitted via diff outlets or made easier to access (fake market right here!) more need for cable. Every platform has a version of some reality/hdtv so waste of money really.

Post ID: @oix+1uPYZ6ic

This is a prime example of throwing more money after bad. When those DISH customers see their new DTV/DISH bill, they're going to cancel that sh-t so fast. All this is really doing is giving a big F-U to DISH customers and DTV trying to stay relevant for a couple more years.

Post ID: @ixv+1uPYZ6ic

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