BK last month. SVP and VP in Aetna network today. The exec layoff is what we should be talking about
4 replies (most recent on top)
BK did not return KL Calls and ignored her directions. BK tried to build his own empire with his close friends from Humana. KL axed him along with his empire.
Moral of the story. Do Not go against the Big Boss especially if the boss is a Female.
Kane is lucky to be gone from this dumpster fire. Engagement is tanking with morale and I truly believe this company's finest days are behind it.
Brian Kane came from Humana. Brian brought Jennifer and Eric with him….interesting they were among the first to go..
Ehhh problem is they'll just be replaced by people making even more and shelling out signing bonuses...AGAIN. Karen is firing anyone who challenges her and locking them down with sweetheart severance.