Thread regarding Oracle Corp. layoffs

How good is Oracle cloud support?

Wonder how good Oracle's cloud support is.

AWS support seems to have some problems. I had an AWS account for a few months, used the mail send system SES and right before I released they sent me an email saying my 12 months of free tier were over. Really? I thought, just after a few months. Definitely not a year. Then, I got another email a week or so later saying the first email was sent in error. They definitely don't have it together there, or someone it messing with the works.

| 998 views | | 9 replies (last September 12)
Post ID: @OP+1udKWJeg

9 replies (most recent on top)

oracle support is abysmal for any customer spending less than 10 million/year

Post ID: @filx+1udKWJeg

Just switch away from SES. So many other options that have a life long free tier, like Sendgrid.

Post ID: @5ywa+1udKWJeg

In addition I had a question I sent to AWS support. The guy was evasive, said something about setting up a meeting, which they don’t do, and never answered the question. Weird and creepy I’d say.

Post ID: @2cui+1udKWJeg

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