Thread regarding Helmerich & Payne Inc. layoffs

Something is upon us.....IT

Some may be too busy and unaware, others may sense something strange is coming to the IT realm. A restructure perhaps? Management is more uptight than ever, internal hirings are at a freeze, everyone is being watched like a hawk. New CFO, while great news always equals incoming changes to the overhead. Fingers crossed that nothing terrible is amongst us!

| 338 views | | 1 reply (5 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1uumvBUL

1 reply

Trust nobody at this company, at least from an IT perspective they went from well respected to downtrodden over the last 5 years, preselected internal hires, executive leadership with no relevant experience, cost over value in offshore development, toxic political circus...take the package immediately if offered and watch your six.

Post ID: @nxv+1uumvBUL

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