Thread regarding USAA layoffs

ECIO Townhall

Amala did a wonderful job on explaining 2030 vision. I’m new to the company and I feel so confident. I saw lot of people complaining about her, she is an awesome leader.

| 2192 views | | 23 replies (last November 5)
Post ID: @OP+1v0NTgg0

23 replies (most recent on top)

I don't mind Amala. She fought hard to keep us WFH when his majesty demanded RTO - but she lost that battle. From everything I have gathered, she wants us to progress as a company, embrace current technologies, and aim high.. she also doesn't want to convolute that mission with bs mandates that add nothing to our productivity. She doesn't seem like a kiss-a-s, and I appreciate that.

Post ID: @lruq+1v0NTgg0

You heard it here folks.
Everyone who sees through the insanity of DEI corporate brainwashing is a racist and s-xist. Now go back to your cubicles and cheerlead the destruction of America via offshoring like a good little NPC.

Post ID: @kccx+1v0NTgg0

I feel sorry for all racists and s-xist comments posted here. We have about 2000 less Indian contractors than before. We achieved roadmaps and results for the first time. Why don’t you all just leave and find a better place, so rest can focus. IT always had a corrupt incompetent employee base that creates toxic culture. Focus on performance management is causing the stress. Some civility and fact based conversations will help.

Post ID: @kxxo+1v0NTgg0

I think Amala or one of her A Kiss posted this. That’s how she is. An open challenge for those who cannot figure her out, let’s to an anonymous 360 degree feedback on her. Seriously, if all of us are wrong it will flush this out

Post ID: @8unu+1v0NTgg0

Her comms team at it again on this board. Seriously, the comments are her 360 feedback.

Post ID: @7dyu+1v0NTgg0


Likely that guy with the mustache/similar. Never seen such narcissism to troll post praising someone (AD) who is anything but deserving.

Post ID: @7xor+1v0NTgg0

Did Amala post this?

Post ID: @7yjv+1v0NTgg0

Once i get vested in the pension and finish school, im out!

Absolutely no regrets.

Post ID: @7ofe+1v0NTgg0

Wow! I’ve been retired for 2 1/2 years and have never looked back with any regret because just reading through this tells me that what was already bad has just gotten worse and his headed downhill fast. I am so sorry for those of you who are still there because this was not the company I went to work for 15 years ago. Just criminal!

Post ID: @7aux+1v0NTgg0

2030?!?! She will not be there another six years. She was already going to leave before they doubled her salary in desperation to stay because several other high level execs were leaving at the same time. She’s got two more years, tops. There will be no 2030 plan. All senior execs do this.

Post ID: @6oob+1v0NTgg0

IT lifecycle: outsource jobs until quality declines. Hire FTE/onsite to fix offshore issues. Repeat.

AD is here to see the offshoring side through but will be long gone before needing to fix those mistakes. That’s the “awesome “ leader in action.

Post ID: @5kxs+1v0NTgg0

She's taking away American jobs and outsourcing them to her former country.

Post ID: @4neu+1v0NTgg0

There can be some insightful comments on this site and some that I’m convinced have to be trolling. This one is the latter. Amala is broadly disliked by IT executives and business partners across the company besides regular employees. The early IT executive meeting during her tenure where one by one each leader had to declare their loyalty to her is the best example of what her leadership style is. She was brought in by Wayne with a specific mission around cost cutting. She will be gone within 6 months of his departure, no doubt.

Post ID: @3jrk+1v0NTgg0

Read between the lines
Max Attrition prior to 2027/2030

Post ID: @3dyh+1v0NTgg0

Never trust the C-suite leaders and politicians.
The promises made by this particular C-suite leader are beginning to sound a lot like those of a career politician: grand in scope, but empty in substance. Just like politicians who stand at the podium and pledge sweeping reforms, better opportunities, and a brighter future, this leader has consistently dangled lofty goals in front of the company without any tangible outcomes. The problem is, these words are little more than PR spins, designed to create a buzz but never backed by real action.

We’ve been told that changes are coming, that new strategies will revolutionize the company, and that the culture will shift to become more inclusive and dynamic. Yet, much like a seasoned politician who promises the world during campaign season, only to disappear when it’s time to deliver, this leader has failed to follow through. Deadlines are missed, projects are perpetually in "development," and the leadership continues to repeat the same vague promises without measurable progress.

Just as with a politician who has mastered the art of saying the right things but doing the bare minimum, this C-suite leader's speeches and interviews are full of empty rhetoric. Employees have become disillusioned, morale is slipping, and the trust that was once placed in leadership is eroding. We’ve seen this play out before — promises without action, talk without substance. What started as an exciting vision has deteriorated into an endless loop of unmet expectations, leaving us wondering whether this leader is capable of anything beyond making speeches.

Ultimately, much like the worst kind of career politicians, this leader excels at one thing: over-promising and under-delivering

Post ID: @3hxw+1v0NTgg0

I won't believe anything that was said in that townhall until I see for myself the detailed plan for me personally. The career jargons and potential moves that were mentioned seem applicable to the optimist, but let's face it - not everybody will have a chair in the game of musical chairs. Someone will be booted out.

Post ID: @2vah+1v0NTgg0

You must have watched the RT channel.

Either you're naïve or stupid. Maybe both.

Post ID: @1ezn+1v0NTgg0

AD is “an awesome leader” if the criteria is destroying IT; her proven history challenges any claims otherwise.

Post ID: @1ans+1v0NTgg0


Amala's structure is to assign FTEs to a project and execute the project. Once the project becomes BAU, the favorites (Directors) move to the next project and the remaining FTEs will be let go.

She thinks in consultant mode and doesn't care who remains. She is a -----!

Post ID: @1cmb+1v0NTgg0

Can someone explain how they came up with layoffs from her comments serious question

Post ID: @1uuk+1v0NTgg0

This town hall was to inform that major layoffs is coming and keep the board members happy at the expense of US work force . They will hire more Indian in india not in US. What was the stage looking with 3 Indians and 1 American.

Post ID: @1wpl+1v0NTgg0

The vision hinted at a loss of layoffs. Almost in the air with most of the hiring budget going to 3rd party in ECIO and lack of hiring for FTEs.

Post ID: @eim+1v0NTgg0

Don’t be a kiss a-s. No she did not.

Post ID: @krv+1v0NTgg0

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