Thread regarding Humana Inc. layoffs

Medicare Advantage exit in 13 markets

Does anyone know what markets Humana will be leaving? I found articles about the primary states being effected; Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Illinois. However, have not been able to find anything on which markets.

| 751 views | | 2 replies (last October 20)
Post ID: @OP+1v0mXkM8

2 replies (most recent on top)

Possibly New York

Post ID: @5uuj+1v0mXkM8

Humana is exiting 13 counties between all those markets and stands to lose 1/2-1 million members if those members don’t opt for another Humana plan in their area. Susan Diamond said it’s because these plans aren’t profitable which means they’re most likely cheap plans covering really sick, needy members that have low MRA scores and high utilization so these plans are going in the hole, Humana has done this in the past as have their competitors.

Post ID: @1qcb+1v0mXkM8

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