Thread regarding Teradata Corp. layoffs

Please, lay me off

Give me a chance to volunteer. I want out. There are more who feel the same way I do. Why not take advantage of that?

| 1031 views | | 6 replies (last October 17)
Post ID: @OP+1v2pl8Mt

6 replies (most recent on top)

Go tell your manager your sentiment and add it to the quarterly survey from gl^^^.

Sure it work out wonders for you...

Post ID: @vew+1v2pl8Mt

I understand you want the severance, but by you staying and being uncommitted to your job, someone who is committed and needs the job will lose theirs. That is just wrong. So many amazing coworkers/friends have lost their jobs and needed their jobs to help pay for spouses with cancer or children with health issues and their colleagues that are left are saying the same thing you are. It makes me sick. If you’re not happy, please find another job so the committed don’t have to leave.

Post ID: @gnk+1v2pl8Mt


And quit being a weak complainer.

Folks make their living here and are going for a turnaround; you're a poison.


Post ID: @ocx+1v2pl8Mt

Go look for another job.

Post ID: @czl+1v2pl8Mt

I felt same way until I was laid off.

Post ID: @cjp+1v2pl8Mt

quit. hard enough seeing lifelong friends get the axe. don't want to deal with people like you.

Post ID: @qis+1v2pl8Mt

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