Thread regarding Humana Inc. layoffs

Just hired in claims

be honest, how sc--wed am I with this impending Cigna acquisition. i really needed this damn job too, fml

| 652 views | | 3 replies (last October 25)
Post ID: @OP+1v840AfY

3 replies (most recent on top)

All nice & sweet what was said previously.
Don't take folks at face value; be sure folks walk their talk. Watch your back. Don't let the toxic, or kool-aid mentality, take over...

Post ID: @2vka+1v840AfY

I have been with Humana 15 years, there is always buyer/merger negotiations on the table. Nothing has gone through yet. But, it's an unstable environment by nature. And there are layoffs and restructures all the time. I was told I would get use to it and that has not happened yet. I will never be use to wondering if I will be employed tomorrow or not. But, like you, I need my job and the job market is not the best at this time.

Post ID: @gin+1v840AfY

I wouldn’t worry too much about the Cigna chatter. It will take a couple of years to go through and we desperately need good people in our claims department now. If you’re a top performer you have nothing to fear.

Post ID: @vof+1v840AfY

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