Thread regarding Teradata Corp. layoffs

The Layoffs will continue until Teradata discovers their customer’s needs

Today we chase whatever trend is driving the news cycle. We are not chasing the customer’s needs. We are no their trusted partner/friend. We have no Sales/Marketing team embedded with customers or prospects. No one working with a customer/prospect developing and presenting a suite of solutions tailored to their needs.

Service farmed out to a third party. No tips or issues gleamed from what usually is a frontline relationship.

I said this when the decision was made to move to the cloud, “Teradata’s days are numbered”. Until then annual Layoffs will be the only way to satisfy Wall Street. There was a time the goal was to satisfy the customer but those days are long gone.

@ult+1v2R9auz said it perfectly.

| 1515 views | | 7 replies (last October 28)
Post ID: @OP+1v8VujdV

7 replies (most recent on top)

I was rif'd from Teradata a long time ago but after working at other companies I can tell you exactly why Teradata has failed.

Teradata services used to answer all our customers questions and smooth things over so Sales could keep deals flowing. Once services was gone everything else fell apart.

Databricks and Snowflake have services teams that do the same things in the cloud as Teradata services used to do onprem. They solve customers issues and tee them up on new features that allows Sales to keep selling.

It really is this simple. It's also a lot of other things but this is the primary reason Teradata continues to fail and lose customers.

Also several former coworkers have been pinging me lately. I wondered why then went here and noticed that there was another round of layoffs. Get out while you can ELT is re-tar-ded.

Post ID: @6gur+1v8VujdV

The layoffs are in part punitive. I know a few guys that were laid off because of their public criticisms of key decisions. Despite what you may hear as a reply in an all hands, don’t speak out and be critical, you’ll just get RIF’d at the first opportunity. Collect your check until there’s nothing left and move along.

Post ID: @5ssm+1v8VujdV

We lost AT&T who used to own us. Huge savings using Snowflake (who a certain CTO said wasn’t even competitive).

Start playing the Requiem.

Post ID: @1rhm+1v8VujdV

Wow, we a to late.

Post ID: @1yfr+1v8VujdV

I wonder if anyone has taken the time to read this success story of AT&T moving away from Teradata to Snowflake and seeing how Teradata can improve.

Post ID: @1zld+1v8VujdV

“Teradata’s days are numbered” because of the decision to move to the Cloud? You lost me.

Post ID: @1qgr+1v8VujdV

It's not even that hard... TD has 5-10 huge customers. Just focusing on making them super successful would be enough to turn the ship around. The problem is the BoD and ELT are focused on what Wall Street wants because stock options is how they derive the majority of their compensation. If the BoD and ELT weren't allowed to sell their stock options for 10 years, you'd see wildly different behavior.

Post ID: @cle+1v8VujdV

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