Thread regarding ConocoPhillips layoffs

Too much of "not my problem" happening at COP and no one looking at the big picture

Get rid of middle managers who are too cowardly to hold bad performers accountable. If someone is not good at their job they need to be let go or demoted to something they can actually do. Instead, they are shipped off to big projects like NxtGen or pawned off on some other team who has to learn that the SGL 15 they just inherited is performing at the level of a 12. Too much of "not my problem" happening at COP and no one looking at the big picture.

Also, I'm confused as to how removing WFH is going to save costs. It will only drive out the people who can get a job elsewhere; people who are desperate to stay at COP are usually the mediocre performers and they won't be able to make up for the lost talent. I get there will be some savings on severance costs, but those will just get eaten up when we have to hire externally or bring back retirees as contractors to make up for lost knowledge. Ever since Concho happened this company has turned into a complete joke.

This deserves its own thread. Source: @ypv+1v8gq9zr

| 1502 views | | 6 replies (last November 1)
Post ID: @OP+1v8YTOTQ

6 replies (most recent on top)

There should be no more than 5 layers top to bottom. Performance should be judged on a full 12 months against the goals for a full 12 months. Post audits should be required on all new wells, recompletions, major projects, acquisitions and dispositions. Corruption and graft should be rooted out and those responsible held publicly accountable. You would see remarkable improvements in just 1 year.

Post ID: @9uua+1v8YTOTQ

One just needs to look at the Org charts to see layer after layer of managers reporting to other managers. Take out a few layers.

Post ID: @1vek+1v8YTOTQ

my point was that the company and HR place the blame on the accuser, not the low performer. If I could accurately assess and make my own judgements about 4's, promotions, changes without needing the consensus of the LT+1 (per function), then that would empower supervisors. As it stands, supervisors are just a conduit to pass information from upper mgmt down to worker bees.

Post ID: @1rcs+1v8YTOTQ

Sounds like exactly the middle manager OP is talking about. If you can’t be assed to manage your people (you know…the main responsibility of being a supervisor) and the team has low performers because of it, that‘s your failure.

Post ID: @1tlo+1v8YTOTQ

As a low level supervisor here, I don't feel I can give out a 4 rating or a Did Not Meet for the How. . . . if I do, the onus is on me to make my case air tight and I am guilty until I can prove I am innocent. I don't have the mental capacity not bandwidth to spend my time making a case. I have seen people over the years who are without a doubt 4 or 5s, and we all just get a 3. The power has been given to the people and employee surveys in past few years have just reinforced that.

Post ID: @1xhm+1v8YTOTQ

Classic ConocoPhillips. Executive pay and dividends first people dead last. These bozos couldn't care less for their workforce and their over promised confidence in synergies between an ultra lean Marathon and a middle management bloated COP is stupidity at its finest. I left this dump of a company a few years back, am with a competitor and thriving. There is life outside ConocoPhillips and the grass is much greener. Best decision of my life to leave ConocoPhillips. My current employer treats me like a human.

Post ID: @1fvw+1v8YTOTQ

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