Get rid of middle managers who are too cowardly to hold bad performers accountable. If someone is not good at their job they need to be let go or demoted to something they can actually do. Instead, they are shipped off to big projects like NxtGen or pawned off on some other team who has to learn that the SGL 15 they just inherited is performing at the level of a 12. Too much of "not my problem" happening at COP and no one looking at the big picture.
Also, I'm confused as to how removing WFH is going to save costs. It will only drive out the people who can get a job elsewhere; people who are desperate to stay at COP are usually the mediocre performers and they won't be able to make up for the lost talent. I get there will be some savings on severance costs, but those will just get eaten up when we have to hire externally or bring back retirees as contractors to make up for lost knowledge. Ever since Concho happened this company has turned into a complete joke.
This deserves its own thread. Source: @ypv+1v8gq9zr