Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

HPE CEO lied

He told that there are no overlapping products between HPE and Juniper.
Aruba and Mist are overlapping. It is a big thing as not sure who will win the internal politics. This won't go through.

| 1074 views | | 2 replies (last November 22)
Post ID: @OP+1vCyYZfD

2 replies (most recent on top)

@OP+1vCyYZfD " virtually no overlap " - can you read?

Post ID: @waw+1vCyYZfD

Even if there is an overlap, who cares!
If HPE is willing to pay for Juniper, why do you care? It is the money of HPE, and they are the buyer, not you!

Mr. Neri has a vision, and he knows how to execute and deliver. On the other hand, Rami and his gang of In***ns are not to be trusted.

Post ID: @roy+1vCyYZfD

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