Too many management cliques and petty politics have drained the energy of those who actually do the work. It’s clear the company needs a major shake-up to bring back motivation and get things on track. Get rid of the useless managers who do nothing but play office politics, and things will improve immediately.
5 replies (most recent on top)
Aren’t they called Outcome Engineers now? Or at least some of them?
Sales Engineering is getting ruined with all the bright ideas from new outsiders.
It's a hardware company, HPE too. Slow and steady incremental progress is in the DNA. You want software.
There are also too many lazy workers. I see too many who can't seem to handle the simplest of tasks, and expect others to do it for them, even when it is their job. Hoping they will use the acquisition to cut some dead weight everywhere.
Yah, there are too many directors here.