Thread regarding Teradata Corp. layoffs

TDC Still Hiring

Engineering is still hiring just two months after a round of layoffs. I'm not sure what the strategy behind this might be.

| 1756 views | | 7 replies (last 28 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1vLEYIhn

7 replies (most recent on top)

Unfortunately over the years, the ELT have been on this drive to remove anyone with talent or skill from the company and replace them with people who only know how to say yes. They only want people who want to feel trapped and will say and do anything to please their masters

Post ID: @5nz+1vLEYIhn

Getting rid of critical knowledge and expertise. Hiring in droves offshore with often slower delivery and lower quality. Keeping those who can be brainwashed and controlled by management. If you offer different ideas, you are black-balled. Management wants glory. The uppers are too controlling to take advice or admit they may be the problem. TD has masterminds at making themselves look like superstars and managing to a report that tells whatever story they choose to tell. Pathetic. Sorry for those stuck in it.

Post ID: @5j1+1vLEYIhn

A lot have just up and left and found better jobs that pay better and don't have toxic management

Post ID: @fdca+1vLEYIhn

Clearly to replace y'all with better engineers

Post ID: @cdug+1vLEYIhn

Take a look at their org chart. Definitely on that offshore model.

Post ID: @5fpb+1vLEYIhn

New hires will spend the first 6 months trying to figure out why people keep disappearing after 30 minute calls with their manager. Then spend the other 6 months figuring out how to escape because they made the wrong decision to join a dying company

Post ID: @3xqw+1vLEYIhn

One perspective ... back-fill with young, inexperienced engineers allows TDC to move more jobs off-shore and/or cut older employees.

Post ID: @1vra+1vLEYIhn

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