Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

Too much information & collusion

Over the past few months, a lot of business confidential information seems to have been shared by the Juniper teams with HPE. This is an attempt to stay ahead of the curve and front load the integration efforts. The level of collaboration at this stage when both are operating as independent companies, is quite unreal.

Is this even legal?

Either the Juniper management is too anxious to cash in quickly or or very eager to please their would be HPE bosses or just too incompetent to understand the nuances of an acquisition of this size. May be all of the above.

Hopefully this gets thoroughly investigated by the powers to be.

| 1277 views | | 6 replies (last December 5)
Post ID: @OP+1vPYb0fj

6 replies (most recent on top)

What does DOJ stand for? 10% stock price fluctuations on insider info from DOJ proceedings is galling. Some cheaters are making $ hand over fist on those trades. Are you? Could you? If JNPR tanks, you and I will lose that money. Those insiders will win that money. HPE and JNPR syncing up on the way to a merge? Who cares. That's not the salient issue.

Post ID: @mcm+1vPYb0fj

“Then why do you keep coming to the site?”

The LOLs (and layoff rumors). Merger stuff reached ridiculous levels about two months ago (Mist Man and such).

Post ID: @khg+1vPYb0fj

Or it might just be the inexperience. The CEO always has been at Juniper. The legal head has not been part of any major acquisitions. The Corp dev head has a Product management background. So what do you expect? However ignorance, inexperience or incompetence is not an excuse if you are breaking the law.

Post ID: @wmn+1vPYb0fj

If the collusion is resulting in anti-competitive practices, then a class action suit might be in the offing.

Post ID: @kfi+1vPYb0fj

I agree with OP. In the last couple of months the amount of information and the level of detail shared is completely head scratching. And some of it is such that if the deal doesn't go through, can be used against Juniper. I raised it to my boss who agrees with me but is powerless to do anything due to intense pressure from upper management to comply. I have stopped caring.

Post ID: @tdd+1vPYb0fj

If financial info is shared that affects the market, then there is a problem. But this has not been done at the levels of info sharing when I was there. It was more operational and product related. This is standard. I’m at another place now, and we are acquiring a company which closes in March. We are doing the same thing as Juniper did when I was there.

Post ID: @bul+1vPYb0fj

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