Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

I’m Done.

In summary:

  • I have been correct in every posting here. You all are just too blind to see.
  • I am tied into the White Room”.
  • I am a Senior Manager.
  • Big layoffs are coming soon.
  • The reason for the delay will be very disturbing to most.
  • JNPR IT is tracking the ip address of this site via Zscaler.

You will not hear from me again. Goodbye.

| 2163 views | | 12 replies (last December 12)
Post ID: @OP+1vQFRjcJ

12 replies (most recent on top)

Use TOR and don't be stupid. You'll be untraceable.

Post ID: @6tfa+1vQFRjcJ

I agree and would never post from a work computer, or even my phone on a work Wi-Fi. But do you know how hard it is to file the suites and get search warrants and court orders and records from whatever service providers may be involved, not to mention VPNs? It barely happens, even for bloody crimes and federal leaks. It sure as he-l isn't going to happen for any of the penny-ante nonsense found on this site. If you have good information, share it. If not, shut up.

Post ID: @6ukg+1vQFRjcJ

PS: anyone that posts any negative comments on this site via their work computer, connected or not via Zscaler, is a tech uneducated fool.

Doubly so if they ever post anything that is remotely NDA. remember this website must abide by the law, which includes any statement that is protected by NDA or that the SEC remotely perceives as a leak that can benefit or harm anyone trading stock. Your connectivity info isn't private.

Post ID: @5ubf+1vQFRjcJ

you vastly overestimate the accuracy of your contributions.

none of your timing predictions ever came even close... but on that I won't blame you, since even the execs don't know.

but the visions of doom you predict are downright ignorant. no company spends 14B to dismantle the company they acquire. leave that to Musk on a dr-g induced late night take over. :-D

Post ID: @5kph+1vQFRjcJ

Dude was trolling and knows nothing about.

Post ID: @3mkb+1vQFRjcJ

I will always believe in you, Mist Man. You will be sadly missed. Thank you for your contributions and trying to protect the average employee. Corporate America is gross - thank you for trying.

Post ID: @1kvl+1vQFRjcJ

Good riddance. You don't even have a basic understanding of technology or law: JNPR IT is tracking the ip address of this site via Zscaler... plus your earlier threat of lawsuit. Not even any commen sense, like don't use corp internet. OK, you are a middle manager in DOJ or HPE. Hello Elon. Bye bye bozos.

Post ID: @ovz+1vQFRjcJ

If you had even gotten one prediction correct then MAYBE we could believe you. You haven't. You're a troll who should probably focus more on their actual job than sht stirring on this '4chan for business'.

Post ID: @wvm+1vQFRjcJ

Mud Man, please don't come back. We are better of without you here.

I believe that the acquisition will happen as planned. By the way, I still believe that JNPR management are the worse in the industry.

Post ID: @zas+1vQFRjcJ

Adios! Your estimates were off anyways so enjoy retirement.

Post ID: @stx+1vQFRjcJ

OK boomer.
Sent from my private iPhone

Post ID: @pkw+1vQFRjcJ

Sure thing buddy.

Post ID: @qrm+1vQFRjcJ

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