Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

Will there be any valuation change?

If acquisition is delayed significantly, will there be any change in the valuation given that
Juniper can accumulate cash under normal circumstances?

| 792 views | | 4 replies (last December 9)
Post ID: @OP+1vQRgXHe

4 replies (most recent on top)

Going out at $40 per share. End of story. Deal was slow because of lazy ar-e Democrats in the FTC and DOJ who never worked a job in technology sector or any sector for that matter.

Post ID: @3hwr+1vQRgXHe

Seems unlikely.

Post ID: @rrm+1vQRgXHe

Like brodcom paid more for vmware when the acquisition delayed and vmware proved they are more valuable.

Post ID: @kio+1vQRgXHe

Do you mean, will HPE now decide to renegotiate in order to pay more? Another one for my poker table.

Post ID: @pwj+1vQRgXHe

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