Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

Leadership concerns

Am I the only one thinking this, or does it seem like all of our leaders are incredibly shortsighted? It’s like they can’t see beyond the immediate, and it’s frustrating to watch when big picture planning is what’s desperately needed.

| 1573 views | | 7 replies (last December 12)
Post ID: @OP+1vRgCWAS

7 replies (most recent on top)

Wait until you're assimilated by the green rectangle...the HPE way is the only way.

Post ID: @5fim+1vRgCWAS

Yes hearing the expression "The Juniper Way" makes me vomit !! So false and unreal

Post ID: @5ebe+1vRgCWAS

A bunch of clueless clowns, and it has been this way for years

Post ID: @3joh+1vRgCWAS

Bunch of Clowns who need to put up a show to justify their salaries

Post ID: @2xws+1vRgCWAS

Juniper NEVER had ANY leaders.

Post ID: @1pjr+1vRgCWAS

This is not unique to Juniper unfortunately and is a direct result of quarterly reporting requirements.

Post ID: @wso+1vRgCWAS

These are not leaders, clowns at best who would sell their soul & that of others to earn a quick buck. They don't give a f*ck about anyone except themselves,while touting the Juniper Way in the process.

Post ID: @qxv+1vRgCWAS

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