Thread regarding ConocoPhillips layoffs

Have you been satisfied with your job?

I’ve worked at several companies in the industry. I’ve been with COP for two years now, and I don’t really know what to think. My team is fine, manager not so much. Life-work balance is better than in some other companies, but there have been times when the manager pushed us hard and expected a lot of extra hours. We have been getting into that situation mostly due to his failures, not my team’s. I’ve had a sense of professional development, as in learning some new useful skills due to having colleagues that have been very good on that front. Compensation is decent. I would say mgmt is the weak link. With better mgmt, this would be a competitive workplace.

| 1619 views | | 7 replies (last January 3)
Post ID: @OP+1vh5VyYb

7 replies (most recent on top)

Managers and Directors in IT are probably some of the worse. They rely on everyone underneath them to look good, and if the sh*t hits the fan they blame everyone else. Too many sub-par individuals have been promoted to LT and kept there for too long, but I guess when you get to that level, everyone protects one another.

Post ID: @98c+1vh5VyYb

The most effective and ethical managers have been systematically eliminated over the past decade. Some were close to unraveling the rampant corruption and coverups. Most were replaced with incompetent, inexperienced hand picked high pots who pose no threat to the status quo. Keep your eyes open. When things make no sense, quietly question why. Follow the money and you’ll find the Truth.

Post ID: @lacn+1vh5VyYb

I like my job. Not so much some of my colleagues and managers. Seems a lot of mentally ill people are promoted when they should be given time off or less of a work load. Very strange way to do business.

Post ID: @bces+1vh5VyYb

I love my job, but dealing with Hatfield's organization is a total disaster. They’re completely incompetent, and all they do is destroy business value and slow everything down. It’s a total mess.

Post ID: @8dzr+1vh5VyYb

Arrogant, loud, clueless managers and ELT promote identical personalities from the rank and file.
The results are predictable and visible to all.
SPIRIT values, y’all!

Post ID: @7zrn+1vh5VyYb

Worst company. SPIRIT values are bogus.

Post ID: @6lrg+1vh5VyYb

Bad management leads to good employees leaving. The problem is, companies continue to keep them on until enough employees speak up. Form a group and take it to HR. That is the only way to change things. Unless, you give up and quit and leave the management to continue their reign of weak management. Good luck!

Post ID: @3dwg+1vh5VyYb

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