Thread regarding Humana Inc. layoffs

Chopping Block....

A complaint was put in anonymously by a teammate that quoted complaints I made just in conversation with this teammate... All of a sudden my supervisor is trying to fire me.... I can't say anything because she complained anonymously but the complaints states son having appointments and supervisor stating I need to apply for FMLA and some other complaints specific to my situation....I really believe she thinks I am the one that complained so is now trying to find anything to fire me....I am now on a coaching plan 2, next is a performance plan then fired...I moved from HUMCS I April to supervisor has been in SNP since November 2023...what should I do? I am trying my best to get 4-5 successful contacts per day, so all my charting right, etc...nothing is ever good enough

| 1511 views | | 5 replies (last November 14)
Post ID: @OP+1vhReqc9

5 replies (most recent on top)

To the poster that wrote “ I must say that you may have gone too far giving so much detail on your post. Managers do read The Layoff and they do speculate on who may have posted.”…. I 100% believe you but Managers ADs and Directors have much bigger fish to fry than figuring out who posted on the layoff, so this is a really big problem. Maybe if they started helping out on their teams instead of wasting their time on nonsense, the work would be more manageable.

Post ID: @dkvj+1vhReqc9

If your boss is W L, good luck. Time to look for another job. Or you can apply for caregiver leave. They cannot hold FMLA against you.

Post ID: @argd+1vhReqc9

HR do not work for you, they are there to protect the company. The Ethics line is not your friend. You can make an approach to the manager but it feels like you have been targeted and you will either work your way through or get fired. On a note... If there is a RIF you are first on the list.

I must say that you may have gone too far giving so much detail on your post. Managers do read The Layoff and they do speculate on who may have posted. I have been in meetings with AD's and Directors where full printouts were examined. Sorry you have to deal with this.

Post ID: @7adn+1vhReqc9

Is there a reason you do to want to apply for intermittent FMLA! You’d have job protection for absences caring for your son. And you might be able to take caregiver leave intermittently, too, to help pay for that time off work.

Post ID: @3pgc+1vhReqc9

Good luck. I would ask for a meeting with HR and manager. Confront this one head on. It’s all about the timing and your manager shouldn’t have talked to anyone else about your son’s situation nor should she have told you to take FMLA. Seems retaliatory to me!

Post ID: @orr+1vhReqc9

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