Thread regarding Teradata Corp. layoffs

Total ARR Decreased - Revenue Flat at $440M

Don't buy the spin - this company has hit a hard ceiling and will probably never break $2B in annual revenue again. Hard to believe that over 40 years in a high growth segment of the industry and differentiated software for many years that it is in this sad state. Weak BOD, poor, inexperienced CEOs, and a conservative culture lead to this. With no new customer growth and existing customers wanting to migrate off, it will be a slow, painful death with continued layoffs.

| 1525 views | | 12 replies (last November 9)
Post ID: @OP+1vkFfL8d

12 replies (most recent on top)

The cozy relationship between CEO and Board allows SM and ELT cronies to get rewarded for cutting employees while revenue shrinks. They meet OI targets and get rich while the average employee suffers. So his get rich strategy is working. This is repulsive and there should be better governance. #Shameful

Post ID: @5zoq+1vkFfL8d

Another demoralizing few days seeing the results under perform and then having to hear SM talk about how the strategy is working. Hmm what part of decreasing revenue, loss of customers and a product going backwards on gartner makes him think all is good?

It's a terrible outcome and he should hang his head in shame and fall on his sword

Post ID: @4nzi+1vkFfL8d

With terrible results, what happened with the attempts to mount shareholder lawsuits? Did they find a lead plaintiff or did they just evaporate?

Post ID: @2uez+1vkFfL8d

Where all the new logo's that SM was promising. Where is their revenue? Did he mislead the market? We think so.

The share price is being punished because the writing is on the wall. Analysts know it, investors know it. If you are still holding this stock, you need to demand action otherwise you'll see your investment get poured down the drain.

The only saving grace about a share price in retreat is that the millions in RSU's that the ELT have enriched themselves with is going to be worthless soon. Just like their value as an ELT member

Post ID: @2uhp+1vkFfL8d

Ended down 4.97. Oh the poor ELT. That’s he-l on stock options. Maybe if they had a clue how to manage we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Post ID: @1saw+1vkFfL8d

Who is DS?

Post ID: @1qch+1vkFfL8d

Down 4.16 at 12:25.

Post ID: @1uni+1vkFfL8d

Down 4 points at 11:15 am. In a bull market day. TDC never disappoints.

Post ID: @1odw+1vkFfL8d

I hope DS doesn't get elevated, lacks the vision for the job.

Post ID: @1rgn+1vkFfL8d

“This will be a slow and painful death”? This has been going on for over a decade! Already slow and painful. A company with no vision and hollow promises during every earnings call. Sell your stock and buy some candy bar stock. At least there is a sweet future there.

Post ID: @1mat+1vkFfL8d

If DS takes over you will wish HA never left.

Post ID: @1kle+1vkFfL8d

At least HA is leaving so there was some positive news. That resulted in a 15 cents increase in stock price :-)

Post ID: @tts+1vkFfL8d

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