Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

General Electric Layoffs 2025

Make a prediction and tell us what you think about General Electric layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 970 views | | 9 replies (last 26 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1vlITtVP

9 replies (most recent on top)

The big wigs must want a little extra change in their pockets.

Post ID: @9q2+1vlITtVP

@1nzf+1vlITtVP You must be drinking that kool-aid again. Dont worry that punch bowl will dry up. It always does!

Post ID: @jchb+1vlITtVP

Once the wind energy scam is over and the funding stops and all the big wigs get their millions in bonuses. Your jobs created by the wind scam will drift far far away. And with the unskilled new hires and some of the know it all operations leaders it is set up to fail to ship work over seas.

Post ID: @gjut+1vlITtVP

Hurry up.

Post ID: @fpat+1vlITtVP

It’s going down

Post ID: @eecq+1vlITtVP

I think GEHC in Madison will close down completely and move their production oversees

Post ID: @axpa+1vlITtVP

Large Layoff at Old GE Additive. 45 day notices were sent out Tuesday Nov. 12th, 2024.
New name is Colibrium Additive.

Post ID: @8tgt+1vlITtVP

We are going to move over to "X "now. More truth in that social site.

Post ID: @6sqw+1vlITtVP

No more layoffs for the next four years. Our beloved President has returned to restore prosperity! Hear! Hear! You can shut down the site now.

Post ID: @1nzf+1vlITtVP

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