Thread regarding Humana Inc. layoffs

Mental Health Effects of Layoffs?

Loss, stress, and depression. Layoffs are impacting mental health in a major way... What an I missing on this list

| 701 views | | 4 replies (last November 21)
Post ID: @OP+1vmWxv6H

4 replies (most recent on top)

Layoffs impact you mentally, physically, spirtually, financially.. it does not descriminate. The impacts it has on you personaly are also reflected upon your family because they feel the stress as well. I was part of a Humana layoff a few years ago.. and although it was the most stressful moment in my life and career, it's all worked out for my best interest with a better paying job, better raises, career paths for growth, better morale. and I don't go into work fearful of another layoff every day.. and when I say better pay. was easily 12K more per year plus quarterly bonus plus annual merit raise. Metrics are more realistic, expectations are still high but stress free. So Hang in there.. it DOES get better.

Post ID: @fddy+1vmWxv6H

Truth be told, this job has given me so much anxiety, that my doctor has prescribed me antidepressions, and that's how I'm able to get out of bed most days.

Post ID: @6wjr+1vmWxv6H

To the poster that said “Grow up Snowflake”- I feel sorry for you. Your life must be full of bad stuff.

Post ID: @2txf+1vmWxv6H

Layoffs do take a toll on both mental and physical health but so does a toxic work environment.

Post ID: @1brp+1vmWxv6H

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