Oh November. A month where our execs scurry around like excited rodents, meeting with financial advisors to prep for the annual gusher of RSUs loaded into their accounts by the MC and Board. Remember, these revolting creatures are pocketing unimaginable multiples of your salary, not for any sort of business acumen (most are business id--ts) but for loyally lying to you and stealing from you on behalf of their wallets. In a perverse and under compensated way, probably something to be grateful for at the thanksgiving table if you’re not one of them.
8 replies (most recent on top)
The Board should surprise the Execs by announcing that all Exec positions will be filled by BTC staff at 1/100th of the cost.
“Like rodents” is a kind of unfair to the nobler animals in the rodent kingdom, like rats and hamsters
Such gross examples of humans
If your manager buys a new corvette in Nov you know where it came from. Most of them would probably be smart enough to wait a couple months.
So glad I no longer own XOM stock
Feel sorry for the poor btards working there
They are rewarded for showing you the door and sending your job to India.