The new CEO seems to be happy posting photos in social media on how he is enjoying riding his mustang in FOSSIL premises on a sunny day, when behind him A&M is standing and handing over pink slips to employees and sinking the FOSSIL brand.
4 replies (most recent on top)
He doesn’t even have to wait for his holiday bonus. We already gave him a million dollar signing bonus.
Oh, absolutely! Because hiring Nick Jonas as the new Fossil brand ambassador and throwing even more money on the brand is clearly the magic formula for success. I mean, who needs a solid strategy when you have a pop star, right? Go Franco and go A&M! What a brilliant master plan - truly a comedy of errors!
Too many VP's jobs overlapping one another. Hopefully he will thin them out. After all their ineptitude is what put the company in this spot.
At least he didn’t drive up in a Porsche..but then that will probably be his next car after he gets his HUGE holiday bonus!!!