I get we need to secure things. Does all these security initiatives really help mitigate risk when it impedes user productivity. I used to do more off hours work checking things on my personal phone or working something on my personal computer or iPad for a presentation or responding to the insane amount of emails. The laptops we have are POS and a $200 computer I can buy on Amazon runs faster than these things they give us. Half the time I can’t open a simple link in an email even on a corporate phone going to edge. Lots of work going on to separate systems between business and operations networks. Does that really make it safer or a false sense of security? Just seems like more layers of protection that impede or hamper rather than protect and enable.
4 replies (most recent on top)
Most of the leaders in cyber and security are worthless. They are too busy making sure they look good instead of doing what's needed to truly secure our environment the correct way. Most of them are reading white papers or listening to consultants all the while making it worse productivity wise for the employees. Having manager or director in your title just means you've lost all the capable skills and rely on others to fill in the blanks.
As many have said, it's not if but when we get compromised and I have a feeling it will be bad.
Instead of being the most efficient company, we decided to be the most secure company. It is hard to prove all of the money we spent on being number 1 in security has made any difference.
Who cares
The company has to try and do the best they can. Companies are getting hacked all the time. If COP isa bit harder than the company next door, maybe the hackers only go to the company next door. It is a real threat, ask big Red who got hacked a few months back or Colonial pipeline a few years back. I was talking this weekend to a small business owner that got hacked back in May and though the beat the hackers who locked up all their files, it cost them $500k plus continuous use into the future of a IT monitoring service.
I agree that it is annoying though. . . .