Thread regarding ConocoPhillips layoffs

Any idea when RL plans to retire?

He will be turning 63 in 2025. Does anyone have any idea when he plans to retire? Who do you think will be the next CEO?

| 2418 views | | 12 replies (last December 23)
Post ID: @OP+1vxidV1s

12 replies (most recent on top)

I hope he stays around for a while. He's done an above-average job, and I am not very inspired by the group that would replace him.

Post ID: @Aacu+1vxidV1s

He retired years ago. The price of oil determines the success/failure of the business. RL doesn’t affect anything

Post ID: @iqqn+1vxidV1s

Unpopular opinion, but I think he’s done a great job. I do believe 2025 will be his last full working year.

Post ID: @hmdh+1vxidV1s

We have three clear options. Two are good and one is a corporate empty suit who is as toxic as they come.

Post ID: @6ukd+1vxidV1s

Curious who all the bootlickers are that are gushing about RL’s performance.
Wait a second…Ryan…is that you???

Post ID: @6okg+1vxidV1s

Bring in VH from Oxy. This will set you on a pathway you will never forget or forgive.

Post ID: @6okv+1vxidV1s

He looked out for investors and himself. Destroyed the company and changed it from an independent exploration company to the bump and grind M&A zombie it is today.
Embarrassing and unfortunate.

Post ID: @5dkd+1vxidV1s

ARCO castaway. His 12 year year tenure has completely destroyed the remnants of company pride, culture and innovation. No one exciting in the pipeline either. More of the same.

Post ID: @5alp+1vxidV1s

Other than the egregious pay packages the he has received, he has been a stellar CEO. It isn't a good look when a person is pulling in $20+MM per year, even if salary is a lowly $1.7MM excluding stock options.

He has expertly guided us through the downturns and Covid crash. I haven't agreed with how dovish we have been on fighting ESG and C-19 mandates, but I understand he was trying to prevent headlines and getting cancelled. He was in a tough spot.

Post ID: @4xlr+1vxidV1s

If I was the decision maker, I'd make him sign a blood oath to stay for 10 years. He's done an amazing job. But most CEOs don't last near as long as he already has. So his days are probably numbered.

Post ID: @4kzl+1vxidV1s

He’s going to ride it out for at least the next 4 years. He’s got a good friend in a high place. Expect some really unpleasant changes to come.

Post ID: @3uyf+1vxidV1s

lol - nobody will touch a response to this :)

Post ID: @2vou+1vxidV1s

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