Thread regarding Schlumberger Ltd. layoffs

Weekly layoffs

Schlumberger has been doing mini weekly layoffs, guess there new strategy is to keep it as small as possible so people don’t realize. Surprised no one ever brings it up.

| 3013 views | | 4 replies (last 9 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1w1A52iU

4 replies (most recent on top)

Yeah I have seen it and heard about too. They have been shuffling a lot of folks around, I guess to preserve some employees before they cut some more.

Post ID: @636+1w1A52iU

I mean, as soon as the deal closes any of the shared services like Supply Chain, HR, Procurement, ect. would see reductions pretty quickly. That's pretty typical in any merger. Things like Engineering and NPD will be protected for awhile. But in the end, there's a ton of overlap between what SLB does and ChampionX. So, I'd expect significant reductions in overlapping technologies.

Post ID: @8crr+1w1A52iU

Any scuttlebutt on how this may impact CHX employees after the deal is closed?

Post ID: @7nwy+1w1A52iU

Sounds right

Post ID: @1yfu+1w1A52iU

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