Thread regarding Teradata Corp. layoffs

TDC Market Cap versus others

Databricks just announce another round of VC money with a company valuation of $62B. Between Snowflake and Databricks (both of whom are taking market share away from Teradata), they dwarf the market cap of Teradata.

How much longer can the company milk its declining customers?

| 1195 views | | 3 replies (last 26 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1w2RFlxj

3 replies (most recent on top)

TD is company full of re--rds. Well done on doing nothing

Post ID: @3jb+1w2RFlxj

Not a fan of SM, still this ain't right.

Post ID: @30w+1w2RFlxj

TD's market cap is fitting, given the CEO is a dwarf

Post ID: @2dr+1w2RFlxj

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