does dish do layoffs in q1?
12 replies (most recent on top)
last year dish had a warn notice for January layoff. no signs of a layoff this time
Layoffs have indeed become a monthly occurrence, rotating through different departments. They seem almost predictable: immediately after the New Year holiday in 2023, then at the end of February in 2024, and so on. If you refuse to fabricate results to please your manager, avoid engaging in daily flattery, or consistently deliver substantial work only to see credit go to your manager's favorites, your name will eventually find its way onto the list.
That said, if you're still part of DTV, there’s little reason to feel proud. Staying in such an environment means being complicit in a fundamentally broken and toxic system.
the layoff sh-t storm always happens in q1. who was at el segundo at the end of 2019? before the holidays it was a packed campus. then after the holidays, before wfh, it was a ghost town. tons of layoffs, even the witch contractors got thinned out. q1 2023 they gutted everything that remained, and here we are, another q1 coming up... get out while you can.
Dish has not said anything publicly about layoffs. Dish has its debt paid off and is a Fortune 500 company. Dish is good. Dish has paid of debt for the next couple of years according to recent articles.
January layoffs followed by reorganization. If you're a Manager or Director with less than 5 reports, you're in trouble. Especially in Castle Rock and Mission.
Glassdoor "The environment in the engineering department has become increasingly political and toxic. It’s no longer about the value you bring to the team; instead, success seems to depend on backstabbing colleagues and flattering superiors."
"data analyzed goes through no QA, is different in every department, and has to show what management wants even if it is not correct"
Reorganizations coming in February.
Everyone from SVP down to principle engineers and senior managers, they all probably the most incompetent group of people, all should let Go! You see all the d-mbs in data engineering and advanced data analytics team, senior directors, full of id--ts
Yes, January will bring a round of layoffs targeting Mission, Castle Rock and further consolidation with supervising managers increasing span of control.