Thread regarding LPL Financial Holdings Inc. layoffs

Trust your instincts going forward with LPL

There was a significant amount of gaslighting from the EVPs and SVPs levels in technology without a doubt. HR was a willing participant in this effort.

Three class acts demonstrate this conclusion:

  1. No further actions anticipated after pausing contractors for the last two weeks in December.
  2. Telling those impacted in layoff it was not performance related, and then publishing names and saying they were low performers that were let go.
  3. The best leadership example of all time is doing this just before Christmas. Happy Holidays!
| 620 views | | 3 replies (last December 25)
Post ID: @OP+1w5iQI7a

3 replies (most recent on top)

Expect that they will ask not to come back after furlough. Same happened to me.

Post ID: @4dsf+1w5iQI7a

These layoffs were setup in July.

Post ID: @1pnb+1w5iQI7a

Contractors were laid off for 3 weeks without any pay. I am one of them.

Post ID: @1kua+1w5iQI7a

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