Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

How 123 Technologies doing

Juniper spend $400M buying 123 technologies. Rather they could have spend $1B buying versa networks. How 123 technologies doing now?

| 1342 views | | 7 replies (last December 30)
Post ID: @OP+1wakglEi

7 replies (most recent on top)

It is truly amazing KH still has a job. Mist is the only clearly successful acquisition. Out of, what, 15 that he’s done.

Post ID: @4qkn+1wakglEi

How’s Aurrion Networks? BTI Systems?

Post ID: @2cvz+1wakglEi

xms+1wakglEi...yes it is called 128T but I think I know who posted this, and he probably kept with the original incorrect name to protect himself due to his non-disclosure agreement (yes, Juniper has internal people who read this forum). Fact is he is not wrong, I have been here 12 years in the sales group and his comments about Juniper and acquisitions is correct. You are probably PO or MJ who helped lead the company down the road of destruction. BTW, before people pile on to this post with comments I have to say the sales team, not the leadership, is the reason the company is still in business. Some of the best and most talented sales people are still here and work for each other and the customers, not the company. Ok, pile on now.

Post ID: @1gip+1wakglEi

Does it have any customers for SDWAN product? How much is the revenue?

Post ID: @1sec+1wakglEi

That’s funny @ugi+1wakglEi That you say you were at 123 when no such company exists by that name as it was called 128Technology ..just saying ..#Troll

Post ID: @xms+1wakglEi

Like anything Juniper acquires they bring them in, do a terrible job of integrating them with the sales teams, the sales leaders of the acquired company explain how it is not working and how to fix it, they get rid of the sales leaders from that organization, and the acquired company becomes an after thought. With 123 Juniper had a WW sales leader from enterprise who bragged how much funnel was there when it was just a pipe dream and he did not support the 123 team. He did the same thing with Apstra and he even complained, quite loudly, about the success of Mist because that sales team was successful because they just ignored him (and they were able to get away with it because they were bigger then the other acquisitions). Welcome to Juniper Acquisition 101, which shows the utter failure of not only Juniper sales leadership but also at the very top. Yes, I was at 123 and I am biased but I was in the meetings with leadership and witnessed this first hand (and I am not like the 'Mist Man', my comments are based on facts).

Post ID: @ugi+1wakglEi

How are Wandl or htbase doing?

Post ID: @pyd+1wakglEi

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