Thread regarding ConocoPhillips layoffs

New administration’s energy policy

Anyone worried about the new administration crashing oil prices with the drill baby drill stuff?

| 1287 views | | 3 replies (last January 2)
Post ID: @OP+1wbn44Vh

3 replies (most recent on top)

The new administrations energy policy is irrelevant. There is no low cost of supply, treasure trove of oil out there that only needs a more aggressive government leasing program to make available to drill-ready oil companies. Supply and demand will prevail in the energy industry for the next four years, drill baby drill is just a misleading slogan.

Post ID: @14m+1wbn44Vh

It'll be a complete disaster.
Total disaster.
The likes of which, nobody has ever seen.
So sad.

Post ID: @1dqf+1wbn44Vh


Post ID: @odf+1wbn44Vh

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