I was watching the Warriors vs Clippers game tonight, when what did my wondering eyes see but a bunch of TDC logos all over the backboard and sideline! I had to rewind and check cuz I was d-mbfounded. How long has this been going on ? And who is this for ? Trust me, us bay area Warriors fans ain't buying TDC cuz we already know "it's dead, Jim". The only thing I can figure is Balmer is using TDC to inflate ad revenue for his new arena in exchange for keeping the stock price up, or The Beav and pals are su-king up to Balmer for something (a buyout perhaps ? I don't think Satya pays much attention to Balmer after the damage the latter did to MSFT, but given how clueless Balmer is, maybe he'll just buy it out of his MSFT dividends). Either way, I'm sure the folks that have been laid off are happy to know that the savings from their dismissal are being put to good use!
5 replies (most recent on top)
That’s a great analogy…JW is like shingles.
All of this came at a nice price tag. See New York Giants. Buying business for ad space at sporting events is brilliant. I mean, I bought my surface pc because it was used by a coach in the nfl!
JW is like a manageable disease. You simply have to live with the pain and suffering as she’s embedded. Way to hire someone you can’t fire SM.
Well, THAT earns the diversity hire’s millions!
Ballmer doesn’t give a sh*t about TD. He is worth over $120B and would not waste his time or $$ on a sinking ship (who in their right mind would sell MFST shares to buy TDC). This advertising gem must be from the brilliant JW.
“In August 2024, Teradata was named the official cloud analytics partner for the Los Angeles Clippers and their new arena, the Intuit Dome, which opened on August 15, 2024, in Inglewood, California. As a Founding Partner, Teradata has special entitlement of the arena’s Halo Loft Level, now known as the Teradata Halo Loft Level.”
Fyi if you have access to a game replay, it's at about 2:00 of the 1st period, then again at the 1:00 of the 2nd.