Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

What's Happening in Sales Engineering Management?

Enough already! We all know that y'all did amazing things at Nutanix and no one can ever take that away from y'all - never ever ever. But you are ruining it and it's not working here. Checkout in the future for more details. What do y'all think?

| 2610 views | | 11 replies (last January 10)
Post ID: @OP+1wfwJgKP

11 replies (most recent on top)

Yea, lay off the SEs. Having them waste time jumping through these new hoops is affecting my bottom line. SE managers too. What's happening to this org? Getting messy - wasting time. This was the strongest org @ Juniper.

Post ID: @1qb+1wfwJgKP

Sales Enginnering at Juniper was once THE most respected SE position in the market. This has for sure changed. The most recent downfall started with a few DEI hires here and in the US. Horrible hires. Both are no longer at the company. AMER and EMEA both had strong culturess before these hires.

Post ID: @1pt+1wfwJgKP


Elevator pitches are dead! Just Google it, you will find hundreds of hits over the course of the last year. When a company insist on training employee's on 'the pitch' they are grasping at straws. Reason number 2000 why Juniper has failed.

Post ID: @1pm+1wfwJgKP

: @17q+1wfwJgKP

You are looking it at it all wrong. It is about a single source of truth. About sharing data. About closing the deal! KEK! That was sarcasm. At least they haven’t started monitoring our p-e breaks yet. Wait. I p-e every 90 minutes. In my 8 hour day, that 5 times. It takes me 10 minutes to p-e, make new coffee, say hi to my spouse, pet the cat and dog. So should I work an extra 50 minutes? But that takes me past another p-e break, so I should work an extra hour? I am confused.

Post ID: @19y+1wfwJgKP

Enjoying that fresh micromanagement smell? Document this, document that, what meetings have you been at? Put it in SF and record that too, 1, 2 we are watching you!

Post ID: @17q+1wfwJgKP

Different target markets require different approaches. It's impossible for anyone to be an expert on everything with the product portfolio and extended verticals. For some things, having the elevator pitch in the back pocket is important to not lose opportunities in the moment.

But hopefully a bit more balance required. Best 2025 to everybody.

Post ID: @167+1wfwJgKP

SE's are on Commission not Bonus

Post ID: @qq+1wfwJgKP

Why would anyone leave before their 2024 Bonus pay out in March?

Post ID: @qp+1wfwJgKP

They believe that the way to selling is to force the SEs to regurgitate marketing buzzwords. SE managers told me that they are not to deviate from their instructions and ideas are a way to get fired

Post ID: @fc+1wfwJgKP

This year, we're going to see a significant exodus of top talent in Sales Engineering. I've already identified several individuals who are poised to leave before February, and their decisions align perfectly with what OP is discussing.

Post ID: @e5+1wfwJgKP

Sales Engineering is bleeding because management doesnt understand our business

Post ID: @dp+1wfwJgKP

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