Thread regarding Adobe Systems Inc. layoffs

yiihaa - techcrunch reports today that the almighty Adobe is planning to eliminate 700 folks employees as part of a hmmmm, let\'s call it,...

yiihaa - techcrunch reports today that the almighty Adobe is planning to eliminate 700 folks employees as part of a hmmmm, let\'s call it, restructuring plan. this is almost one tenth of the work force and things will not be pretty down in silicon valley...

| 2912 views | | 1 reply (September 16, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+555oWEF

1 reply

Adobe is laying off experienced contractors and hiring entry-level workers to fill their jobs. I guess they will sacrifice quality to pay for their purchase of Figma.

Post ID: @1dFtss+555oWEF

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