Thread regarding New York & Co. Inc. layoffs


I recently was laid off by New York and company. I was a very faithful and loyal employee. I was told my position was being eliminated. I really don't feel that it was fair at all. There has been favoritism in my store often. The SSL has let several things go on unseen. I am a former associate that needs to be heard. The SSL has let several of her favorite associates do as they please. There have been instances where things were discussed with associates that should not have been. Tardiness, breaks 15-20, and being disloyal to New York and company. If I had shared this information with my RSM I know my job would have been on the line. I won't be unheard I want everyone from the top down to know about this store. I don't want anyone else to lose their job the way I have. At the end of the day what is right is right. I'm sure that Kevin F.or Jody G. would not want his stores ran this way.

| 1144 views | | 1 reply (February 14, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+A3WJSj6

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SSL often do this, close their eyes and pretend nothing is happening

Post ID: @pvN+A3WJSj6

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