Thread regarding Avon Products Inc. layoffs

Suffern in suffern

Here we go again...yet another layoff today. This place is a pithole. This place is a pithole. This place is a pithole. Avon is a dying company but it is dying at an excruciatingly slow pace. Not a good place to work in at all. People are always worried about losing their jobs. Extremely stressful and pressurized place to work.

| 2561 views | | 2 replies (last February 10, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+B8H1PdC

2 replies (most recent on top)

Layoffs coming once North America sale closes. 40% of corporate staff.

Post ID: @4Ktse+B8H1PdC

So true

Post ID: @N3A+B8H1PdC

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